Chapter One: Destery's Point Of View

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“You broke my Xbox!” Destery shouted at Nathan, pointing towards the now broken Xbox. It was lying on the floor, soaking wet and in multiple pieces. No way in hell it would ever work again, that much he was sure of.

“How did I break it? You’re the one that threw me on the floor!” He yelled back, defending himself.

“Only because you poured water on me, asshole. You didn’t have to land on my poor, defenseless baby!” Destery gently picked up the pieces of the gaming system, as if it would make a difference now. When Nathan poured the water on him, it didn’t only get him wet, it also got everything in the immediate surrounding area, which, unfortunately, included the Xbox. When Destery pushed Nathan, he added insult to injury and landed directly on top of the system, a telltale snap echoing throughout the small house. It had taken Destery months to save up enough money for that, of course he was going to be upset about it.

“You’re such a baby, I swear. It probably would’ve been fine if you hadn’t thrown me on top of the thing. Who keeps their stuff on the floor, anyways?”

“I have to! You broke my TV stand last week. You’re like a hazard to all of my expensive things. I should just stop letting you come over.” They both knew that Destery would never actually ban Nathan from the house, but it didn’t hurt to throw it out there that he could if he wanted to. Destery threw the device on the counter, no longer caring about being careful. It was very clear that the thing was broken beyond repair.

“Oh please, that wasn’t my fault, either. The way I see it, you got to break the TV, so I got to break the stand.” Destery’s glare at Nathan intensified, if possible. He thought he had made it very clear that they weren’t supposed to talk about that ever again. Destery had simply lost his cool and something bad had happened.

“I don’t want to talk about that. It wasn’t my fault that the TV broke.” It totally was his fault, but whatever.

“Just like your Xbox breaking wasn’t my fault.”

                Destery sighed, not wanting to continue with the pointless arguing any longer. It wasn’t anything new; the boys had fought about pointless things every day for the entirety of their friendship. That didn’t mean Destery didn’t get annoyed by Nathan, though. Quite the opposite, actually, as pretty much everything Nathan did annoyed Destery to no end. He loved the guy, though, so he put up with it, to an extent.

“Whatever. You’re going to buy me a new Xbox, end of story.” He glanced at the Xbox –if it could even be called that anymore. It was in three separate pieces, somehow– that was resting on the counter and frowned. It was like Nathan killed his child.

“No way! Buy your own!”

“I’m not in the mood for this, Nathan. You broke it, you’re going to buy me a new one. Get over it.” Destery plopped down on the small couch slash bed that occupied most of his living room. The couch wasn’t really that small, he supposed, but it wasn’t optimal length. He had to sleep on the thing, and when he did, his legs hung over the edge. He could deal with that, it was the springs that really bothered him. It was impossible to sit on the couch without being brutally assaulted by various springs. He shifted uncomfortably.

“Fine. I’ll buy you a new one for your birthday.” Destery gaped at Nathan. His birthday wasn’t for another nine months. Nathan didn’t really expect him to go that long without gaming, did he?

“Nathan, no! I’ll die without it!”

“You’ll just have to come play at my house, then.” Well, that didn’t sound so bad. Spending more time with Nathan was always a good thing. That would pretty much allow him to go to Nathan’s house whenever he wanted. He could definitely live with that.

“Okay, okay. But I mean it, if I don’t have a working Xbox by my birthday, I’ll kill you.” The last time Nathan broke one of his gaming systems, he thought he’d be funny and give Destery another broken one. What really killed Destery about that situation was that Nathan had found a loophole and he couldn’t do anything about it. Destery technically hadn’t specified that the new device had to work, and Nathan had taken full advantage of that. Destery definitely wasn’t going to make that mistake again.

“I don’t have the money for a working one!”

“And you think I do? You still get an allowance, for fucks sake. You’ll have enough money for one in a few weeks, assuming you don’t waste your money on anything. I have bills and stuff to pay. It’ll take me years to save up enough money for another one.” It was the truth. Destery rarely ever had extra money to spend on frivolous things. What little money he made at his part time job went straight to his rent and other bills. Luckily, the small one room house –more like shack– wasn’t very expensive, so he usually had enough money left over for his phone bill. There had been times when the other bills were more important and he couldn’t afford the phone, but he had been living on his own for a little over a year now, and he’d finally gotten the hang of things. He knew exactly how many hours he needed to work to afford everything he needed, and yeah, it was stressful, but it was worth it if it meant he got to continue living on his own.

“You have a point…” Nate muttered.

“I know I do. Now get out of my house, loser. It’s late and we’ve got school tomorrow.” Nate gave him an unimpressed look.

“Since when do you care about school?”

“I don’t. I just want you out of my house.” He gave Nate the sweetest smile he could, though he was sure it just made him look constipated or something.

“Stop doing that, it’s terrifying. Makes you even uglier than you already are.” At that comment, Destery flipped him off. “How about we skip school tomorrow?”

“You’re a horrible influence on me, Nathan Owens, you know that?”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. You want to or not?”

“I guess. Want me to tell Myla and Oli to, too?”

“Definitely. Tell them to meet us at the mall tomorrow. That sounds fun, right?”

“The mall is never fun, but yeah, I can live with it.” He pulled out his phone and sent a text to both Myla and Oli, simply saying, ‘Skipping tomorrow. Meet at mall.’ It wasn’t unusual for the four of them to skip school. They were all seniors, so they weren’t doing anything particularly important at school anyways.

“Come on, we’re going to my house. If I let you sleep on that couch tonight, you’ll be crabby tomorrow.” Destery didn’t protest to that, just got up from the couch and shoved some random clothes into a bag and followed Nathan out of the door. He locked it, not that it really mattered. There was a huge hole in the window next to the door, and really, no one in their right mind would want to break into the house. It was a piece of shit, that much was obvious to anyone who passed.

“No pants?” Nathan asked. Destery was confused for a moment before he realized that he wasn’t, in fact, wearing any pants. It wasn’t really that strange, as he never wore pants when he was at home. He could easily go back in and slip some on really quick, but he couldn’t be bothered.

“Nah, we’re just going to your house anyways. Let’s go.”

“If you don’t put pants on, you’re not sleeping in my bed with me.” Destery chuckled at the absurdity of that. They shared a bed all the time, never wearing pants. Boxers were obviously comfier to sleep in, and they had gotten comfortable with each other years ago. Stuff like that didn’t faze them anymore.

“Oh, please. That’s a damn lie and you know it. You would never make me sleep on the floor.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I love you too much to put you through that torture.” The words stung Destery’s heart. If only he loved him the way Destery loved him.

I Don't Even Know (A desandnate fanfic) (Editing, probably shouldn't read yet)Where stories live. Discover now