Chapter Four

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This chapter is dedicated to OliviaBecerra for being the first person to comment and like this story. Thank you so much, it means a lot to me and I hope this doesn't disappoint! 


There is a football game going on at the high school the next night and practically everyone from school is there cheering. Somehow, Elena and Bonnie have convinced me to go to “support Stefan.” Mr. Tanner is standing at the podium shouting into a microphone about how long it has been since he’s seen a player like Stefan.

Suddenly there is a commotion nearby and I turn to see Tyler and Jeremy going at each other. I roll my eyes. Those two were always fighting over some stupid and I had I feeling they were fighting over some whore named Vicki Donovan.

“Stop, you’re hurting him!” Vicki shrieks.

Stefan, acting like the hero he thinks he is, decides to intervene. He grabs Tyler’s fist and shouts for him to stop. Meanwhile, Jeremy has time to find a broken bottle on the floor and he swings it at Tyler. I get there in time to push Tyler out of the way, right before the broken bottle makes contact with my skin. I feel a deep slash of pain down my arm and I wince.

By that time, people have already grabbed Jeremy and Tyler. Stefan rushes over to me.

“Are you okay?”

I’m holding onto my arm but I can tell the skin has healed already.

“I’m fine,” I tell Stefan. “He missed. He only cut my jacket.”

Elena rushes over to me after yelling at Jeremy and she seems distressed.

“Hey, let me see your arm.”

I show her my arm and sure enough, there is no cut.

“But, I saw it hurt you. I saw the glass cut your skin,” stammers Elena.

I give her a weak smile. “I’m fine. But my jacket is ruined.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure Jeremy owes you a new one,” she states.

“Make sure to tell him it’s real leather and that he owes me big time,” I say.

I walk with Stefan to the football pitch since kickoff is happening pretty soon. I see Matt shouting and yelling at Tyler, telling him off for picking a fight. Then he looks over and sees me. He storms away from Tyler and walks up to Stefan and I.

“Hey Alayne,” he says. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” I smile at him and show him my arm. My jacket is pretty messed up but other than that, there is no sign of a cut having ever been there.

“Are you going to walk us to the prep room?” Matt asks me.

“Prep room?” I question.

“Yeah it’s where we go before a match.”

“Sure I’ll walk you guys there.”

Matt, Stefan and I trail after the other guys on the team. Matt turns to Stefan.

“Sorry I’ve been a dick to you all week, the team is lucky to have you,” he says.

“You have your reason,” replied Stefan.

“No excuse.”

Matt shakes Stefan’s hand and then he walks off.

“Aw isn’t that sweet of him,” I coo.

I hear clapping coming behind us and Damon’s standing there.

“Ain’t that nice, Stefan joins a team and makes a friend,” Damon taunts.

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