Opinions can change

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***I think I'm on chapter 9 but I'm honestly too lazy to check if I'm right or not. An extreme case of senoritas has hit me before I'm even one. Side pic is Jun's sleeping face. Dedication goes to NickiYuki101. That's it. Nothing else to say pretty much. Hope you enjoy the chapter.***

"I see it's my turn to watch after Oshiro-kun." Ukitake Jushiro, captain of the 13th Division, smiled amiably towards the two in front of his office desk.

To explain what Jushiro meant by "his turn," it was finally decided after Jun's whole fiasco of romping around the Seireitei that Jun should actually have supervision. The problem was all of the captains were too busy to constantly watch after Jun and Head Captain, after hearing about Jun's escapades, didn't even trust a seated officer to keep tabs on Jun for more than an hour, so it was decided that the captains would have rotations of who would watch Jun. It was originally going to be Toshiro but after hearing what Jun did, he decided that Jushiro would start first and they would go down by Division number.

"Yes sir, Captain Ukitake." Rangiku smiled. Toshiro couldn't come along because he had other work he needed to attend to. His only words to Jun before they left were, "Don't break anything." Jun sat in silence just watching the interaction, suddenly growing shy by being in front of a new person or new Shinigami. They vaguely remembers the tall, willowy man in front of Rangiku as one of the captains who didn't want Jun to be involved with the Shinigami in war, which didn't make a good impression of him yet. Ama to ease Jun's discomfort had materialized and were sticking very close to Jun at all times around the new Shinigami.

Rangiku looked over the captain skeptically, "Captain Ukitake, are you doing well this morning?" The color to his face was a bit paler than it should have been but he only waved it off not wanting to worry anyone.

"I'm perfectly fine. Thank you for the concern though. My morning duties only have me a little more tired out than usual." He smiled his usual gentle manner, making Jun not as suspicious of him. He had such a serene aura. He wasn't faking it either; kindness couldn't be faked in Jun's eyes.

Rangiku looked at him in doubt, already used to his habit of holding back for others. "Okay," she strung out slowly, "but if you start feeling anything's too much, just rest for a bit. Okay?" That statement lowered Jun's guard against the 13th captain again, he wasn't feeling well, that's not good. Did he have someone to look out for him in case he started feeling too sick?

He's a captain. I sure he could have a whole medical team in the next room for all we know. Don't over-worry yourself about him. After a pause Ama continued though, just keep an eye on him just in case. We don't need you getting blamed if he faints or something. Jun smiled secretly into their hands. Ama just wouldn't admit that he might be concerned too. Just look at him though! He's a Link. Judging by his Zanpakuto's nature, this man is probably extremely good at forming connections and keeping them. If we don't watch out, others will come after us for his falling.  Ama defended himself before he started grumbling.

The other two in the room didn't seem to notice Jun and Ama's side conversation, or at least pretended to, so Jushiro replied to Rangiku's previous comment, "Of course, I wouldn't want to be a burden to anyone." Rangiku laughed at that. She imaged his two co-3rds wouldn't think it a burden at all to help him if he started feeling too sick. In fact they'd probably fight over who did what to help their esteemed captain back into good health.

"Just try to stay not overwork yourself." Rangiku gave Jun one last smile before ruffling their hair and saying to be good.

Jushiro, already seeing the uneasiness the young spirit felt being left alone with a new person, was trying to make them more comfortable. "Why don't you have a seat and I'll go fetch us some tea?" Jun gave a terse nod with their face blanking into a neutral expression. They walked over to a resting couch. Jun would usually offer to help out of politeness but that would require leaving Ama; Jun would not leave Ama alone in an unfamiliar place. He quickly returned with some tea and once Jun was still in arm distance of Ama, they started helping Jushiro with pouring the tea into cups. They noticed that there were four cups out and couldn't help themself from giving the captain a questioning gaze. He noticed and understood.

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