drug addict

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"Zoe and Ashton come down for dinner!"

My mom yells motioning for me and my brother Ashton to come down for dinner.
"Coming!" I yell back simply, as I close my laptop and run downstairs and see the big feast my mom has manged to make.

"Wow mom the is a lot of food for just five people."

Ashton says with a smile as he kisses my mom on the top of her head and she rolls her eyes as Ashton takes a seat at the head of our long dinner table. I deiced to sit in between Harry and Lauren my two younger siblings. As we all settle down at the table everyone digs into there food and I sit and just stare at the food not wanting to eat

"Whats wrong Zoe?"

Harry asks with a worried look on his face.

"I'm not very hungry Harry that's all".

I tell him as I ruffle his hair and he continues to eat. But I was lying to Harry it wasn't that I wasn't hungry ever since I was little I suffered at major eating disorder. So I never really had that much of a appetite.

"So Ash and Zoe how was school?"
My mom asks breaking the silence.I look up at Ashton and give him a smirk considering he ditched school today like he does everyday.

"Yeah Ash how was school today I say staring at my brother who has stopped eating sitting there frozen.
I start to giggle at his reaction.

"Um school was fine why do you ask."he says."Well because I got a call from your principal and he told me that you weren't at school today."After she says that his face turns red. I start to laugh so hard to the point that I can't even breathe."Look mom I can ex-."

"No Ash I'm sick and tired of getting phone calls from teachers saying that you didn't attend school!" she says as she looks at Ashton in the eyes."Look Mum I'm really sorry." "No Ashton sorry won't cut it this time you're going to school".

Oh and did I mention that Ashton is a drummer in a band yeah they're pretty good.

"Okay Mum. " he says as he rolls his eyes.
"No if,and's or but's about it if you're not at school tomorrow then no more band practice." she says as she stands up and says "Now Ashton and Zoe clean up this kitchen while I put Harry and Lauren to bed". "Yes mum." I say.

"Good night Ashton and Zoe." HARRY and Lauren say as they run upstairs behind Mum. I get up from my seat at the table and walk over to the sink and wait for Ashton hand me some of the dirty dishes to wash.

"I fucking hate you." he says as he scrap the remains of the food off the plate into the trashcan."Now what did I do you're the one who skipped school,its not my fault." I say with a giggle as he hands me the plate to wash. "It is your fucking fault, your the one who was sitting there laughing like a fucking idiot so that's what probably made Mum more suspicious." He says as he turns around and crosses his arms and looks at me.

"Look Ash I'm sorry it's just that I'm sick and tired of you getting away with this bad boy bullshit,It's stupid I don't want you to turn into Dad I'm always worried about that kind of stuff". I say as I look at my brother with worry in my eyes. My father died about two years ago with the drug overdose and my brother does the exact same shit he does. Ashton has a bunch of tattoos and piercings and do all of his friends. And I always get worried about Ashton."Look Zoe I know you're worried about me but I'm fine I know what I'm doing I'm not going to go overboard like dad did." he says as he wraps his arms around me. I bury my head in his chest.
"Just be careful Ash I love you and I don't want you to get hurt." I mumble. He just kisses my head and says "I know,and I love you to Zoe".

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