(3) Demonic Seduction

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Demonic Seduction

Chapter 3

I pulled into an open parking, grabbed my bag and jumped out of my car. I quickly made my way to the back of the school where Jerry and his friends hang out and scanned the area for him. It didn't take me long to spot him, he is very noticeable in his black clothes and dark make up. Jerry practices magic and is into all kinds of strange and supernatural things. Most of the kids at school thinks he is just another Goth kid but not me. I know what he is capable of and that is why I chose him.

"Hi Jerry," I said walking over to where him and his friends were standing. They all spun around and looked at me with questioning expressions on their faces. Up until today I have never hung out with Jerry at school, I only hung out with Devon and our snobby friends.  

"Hi babe," he replied pushing past his friends and pulling me into a hug. A round of whoo hoo's and you go man's escaped from his friends standing behind us. I pressed my lips tightly against his for a few seconds before pulling out of the hug.

Jerry had a huge smile on his face as he took my hand and led me to the centre of the circle his friends were standing in.  

"Guys, this in Hope, Hope these are a lot of stupid idiots so don't pay attention to a word they say," Jerry joked.  

"Hi," I said feeling a bit out of place. These were not the kind of kids I was used to hanging out with. They all greeted me and joked with Jerry before I pulled him aside where we could talk alone.

"Their jealous," Jerry said once we were alone.  

"Of this?" I questioned teasingly kissing him once more. I'm not in love with Jerry but I do like him and he has been really nice to me so he deserved it.  

"Yea, of that,t" he joked as I took a step back.  

"Ok, back to serious matters," I said excitedly.  

"The invocation," Jerry stated.  

"Yes, are we still on for tonight?"  

"Of course we are, I told you I'll do it so just relax," he answered.  

"Good, then I'll see you at lunch," I replied giving him one last kiss before heading to class.

I got a lot of strange looks and funny remarks from kids that saw me with Jerry as I made my way to class but I didn't pay any attention to them, I don't have time for stupidity and childishness.  

"What the hell was that?" I heard Laurie ask from behind me as she grabbed a hold of my arm and spun me around. I've been best friends with Laurie since I can remember and cherish her friendship but if she was going to hassle me about this I would dump her too.  

"If you saw it you know exactly what it was," I replied sarcastically. 

"Don't act stupid Hope, I could see you were kissing that freak! What I want to know is why?"  

"Because I like him," I replied nonchalantly.  

"What about Devon?" she yelled causing a lot of kids to stop and stare.  

"I dumped him last night, he knows there is somebody else," I answered starting to get irritated.  

"But... but how can you do that to him? I though you loved him?" she asked stunned by what I had just told her.  

"I used to think so to but then I realized I was just trying to make everybody else happy by being who they wanted me to be and doing what they wanted me to do so if you are going to judge me you can just leave me alone," I hissed.  

"I'm not judging you hope, I'm just shocked. This all happened so suddenly."  

"Yea I know but you should get used to the fact that I'm not who you think I am, maybe you're better off without me," I said honestly. She looked confused and hurt as I said those words but I didn't feel like any more explaining and I do think she'll be better off without me, she can stay in her made up little world where everybody is perfect and life is happy and wonderful.

"I have to go or I'm going to be late," I said pushing past her and hurrying to me class. The day dragged by and by the time lunch finally came the whole school knew that I had dumped Devon. He had math and history with me but instead of taking my usual seat next to him I walked straight to the back of the class and sat down in one of the empty seats. He watched me with hurt clearly in his eyes making half of the kids in the class give me hateful looks but I just couldn't get myself to care about what anybody thought of me. I was so excited about tonight that when the bell rang announcing that it was lunch I jumped out of my chair and ran to the back of the school where I knew Jerry would be waiting for me.

I saw him standing against a tree and ran towards him throwing my arms around him and kissing him passionately.  

"Everybody hates you right now," Jerry stated smiling at me as I finally released him.  

"Do you?" I questioned playing along.  

"No, I think I love you," he replied as his expression turned serious.  

"Well then how about we get out of this awful place and get an early start to tonight?" I asked not feeling like hanging around any of these immature stupid kids anymore.  

"Now we're talking!" he said grabbing my hand and leading me out of the school and into the parking lot.

Demonic Seduction and it's sequel Deadly DesiresWhere stories live. Discover now