part three

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"everybody remember Loren?!, she  just moved into the old Jarens place"

Sasha, Lorens oldest and dearest friend announces to a group of people.

"ooh Loren? is that really you? remember me? its john!" an excited chap cuts in, a smile spreading from left to right

"of course i remember you! we went to junior prom together didn't we?" Loren says

"actually that was my twin, Jake" he answers less excited than before

"WE were in gymnastics together"

"oh um right! you're john oh okay..." she cut herself, feeling the heat on her face and  everyone starts laughing, she blushes even more with embarrassment;

"these are my two daughters, gale and Maya" she tries for a desperate attempt for a change of subject. After some hi's and Hello's Sasha takes gale and Maya to the other side of her house, where a group of kids were playing with a rather handsome teen, he had dark brown hair and he was tall with blue eyes, the only down side was his pale skinny bones, he looked like a plucked chicken.

"that's my son, Sean, your gonna be in the same class, he's the class president you know?! and he's won several prizes"

"really? for what?" gale asks trying to sound interested, as far as she's concerned he sounds like an average highschool snob but it would be nice to know at least one person at school

"Sean come here. i want you to meet someone" Sasha waves at her prized possession (i mean son...)

Sean comes out of the pool wiping himself with a towel

"Sean this is gale and her sister Maya" Susan tells him "i want you to keep them company"

"have fun"  she yells back as she goes to the other side of her big house where her friends were lounging.

Sean gawks at gale for a moment making her feel rather uncomfortable before looking to Maya "we were playing Marco polo,you wanna come in?" he asks Maya

she shakes her head no looking at him like he just asked her to hop on his back and ride to Neverland.

gale takes one look at her sisters face and starts laughing making them both turn to look at her, she stops abruptly and looks away for a moment

"i think I'll just sit on the edge" Maya tells him

"awe that's too bout you?" he asks gale, his big blue eyes, looking into her choclate brown eyes making her nervously look away. one thing gale did not like to do was make eye contact, she found it oddly disturbing.

"I'm fine thanks" she says

"suit yourself" he shrugs at them with a half smile and cannon balls back into the pool

"how old does he think i am? five?!"  Maya murmurs making her sister giggle like a fool remembering Maya's expression.


after what seemed like a while, Sasha reappears from a nearby window and tells them  it's time for lunch

"come on" Sean says from behind  making them jump a little

they follow Sean to a garden with two small tables  and one large table spread out; theres a bouquet of  flowers in the middle of the big table and two sets of fkower pots on the smaller ones, gale and maya take their seats at the larger table and Sean takes a seat between them,

"hey um john, the Jacobsen's house,"

Loren says... hesitating

"yeah what about it Loren?"

Michael; Lorens friend and landlord cuts in

"well is anyone living there?" she asks, her eyebrows furrowing 

"because late last night, i saw a light come on" she finishes biting her lip

"oh um that's the Jacobsen's oldest son, Ryan" Michael answers,

"don't worry he pretty much keeps to himself"

"uh thank god!" Sasha cuts in and everyone almost chokes

"is he coming today?" a curious gale asks

"um no like Michael said; he keeps to himself, besides he mostly stays inside" Sean answers with a smile.

"its too bad though, nice piece of land" an older looking bald guy says more to himself than anyone but his voice spoke loud enough for everyone to hear

there's a pause and looks of confusion are shot his way so he continues

"we were gonna tear it down and donate the land"

"well you are right  about one thing, they should bulldoze that house and everything in it " Susan says, when everybody gives her the same look she adds

"what?! i didn't say the kid had to be in it" she throws her hands up in frustration and everybody turns to another conversation.

but gale, as curious as she is, asks

"wait what happened again?" causing an uncomfortable stir in the group

"well cassidy, the Jacobson's daughter killed both of her parents" Sean answers, enjoying himself

"and where was Ryan?" she asks 

"he didn't live with them back then, he was in boarding school upstate"

"but what happened to cassidy?" she pushes

there's a long uncomfortable pause around the table before john speak  "the cops searched in the forest but she drowned in the dam"

"did they find the body?" she asks making a couple of people choke on their food

"gale!" Loren shriek giving her the     'that's enough' look

"no, they never found the body, gale" john satisfies her curiosity

"some say she's still in the woods" Sean says trying to sound creepy

"Sean, don't scare the poor girl, they just moved here" Susan scolds him "its just a myth told to children so they don't get any ideas about running away"


Gales POV

"did that freak you out what they said back there?" Maya asks me jumping on my bed

"nah, Susan's probably right, cassidy wouldn't still be in the woods" i tell her "just forget about it"

for the life of me, i cant stop thinking about it. in a wierd way i did kinda want to know more about it, something about that story interested me, probably all that horror I've been watching...

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