Chapter 1

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“Today’s the day you fairies prove yourself to the Fairy Council, that you are worthy to have your wings.” The head of the Water Fairy Academy boomed over my class. He was a stereotype of a head commander of a boot camp. Tall and so musical that you’d think he was on steroids. Buzz cut hair, blond. He wore a blue button up shirt with a matching blue camouflage pants. Tan steal-toe boots. He stood with his hands behind his back while striding around, full of himself. My class was in the academy theatre. There’s about 200 of us, so it was a tight fit. He continued on with his speech. “Each of you will go though a trial depending on your element speciality. It will begin with the Mist Fairies, then the Water Fairies and the Ice Fairies. If you have more than one of the specialities, you will participate in more that one trial, only using that one element.” 

There was a murmur over the crowd of students. I sighed, knowing that I had to go though 3 different trials to even be thought of as a “worthy-citizen” to the council. 

I looked at the other students. Some seemed exited, others seemed nervous. There was only 2 other student that had the ability to use all of the Water elements. I looked at them and noticed that they both had the same reaction as I did. I looked back up at the head of the Fairy Academy, when he continued with his speech.

“Today we have three witnesses for the trials. The Chairman of our city, our cities Healer, and myself, Head of the Water Fairy Academy.” As each one was introduced, they stood up and received an applause, then sat back down. “The names will be drawn at random for each speciality. If you do not complete your trial, or if it is unacceptable, you will be asked to do the trial again until it is marked satisfactory by the witnesses. We ask for everyone to make their way outside to the stadium to prepare for their trials.”

With those words in mind, everyone walked out. I kept my head down, and went to the other two fairies that shared my speciality. 

“Dude, this is jank.” Adam said as he headed toward the stadium. His short brown hair flopped around as his head shook furiously. “I can’t believe that we have to go though three trials.”

“Calm down. After all, it makes sense.” His twin brother Ethan said. “We have the ability to control three specialities, we should have to go though three trials. Common sense.”

“Common sense is having us do one trial involving three specialities. Not three different trials. Now we have to wait for all these different fairies to complete their trial, at least once. Like I said before, this is jank.”

“Your jank.” Ethan blurted. 

“Your mom’s jank.” Adam said before thinking.

I laughed softly.

“Dude, that’s your mom too.” Ethan pointed out.

“Whatever,” Adam said as he blushed.

The ground changed to snow as we made our way to the stadium. Encase you’re wondering why it’s not melted, there’s a spell over the stadium that keeps it frozen, so it can float on the water. Much easier than buying the materials and building an actual stadium. 

The stadium was huge, way bigger than the theatre, so all the students spread out to one section of the stadium. As we walked into the stadium, I grew cold. I took off the sweater that was hanging around my waist and pulled it around my arms.

I sat next to my friend Martha. She’s only a Fairy of the Mist, but one of my closest friends, besides the twins. We all started to talk while the rest of the fairies got situated.

“Excited?” Martha asked as I sat down. 

I gave a short shrug for my response.

“Oh yeah, you have to do all three trials.” She remembered.

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