Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty (Blake’s POV)

        I stood in front of the mirror fixing my bowtie, I can’t believe I was standing here. Robert’s guy never called him back and now I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life. All because I couldn’t let Erika give away my daughter.

        “Sebastian stop messing with your tie.” Preston said as he fixed Sebastian’s tie again. “Why can’t you be like Benjamin and sit there without messing with your tie?”

        “Because dad I feel like it’s choking me! You tie it to tight, are you trying to my head pop off!” Preston rolled his eyes.

        “Keep sassing me and I will send you with Ramona, you know she doesn’t put up with that.”

        “Sorry dad,” Sebastian said as he went to sit next to Benjamin. He hadn’t said much to me or really anyone in the last couple of days. I shouldn’t go through with this, there had to be another way to keep Erika from taking away my daughter.

        “Where is Robert, he should have been here an hour ago.” Preston asked.

        “Did he say where he was going?”

        “He was going to drop Aden off at the airport. I just feel bad he is going to be there an extra hour. His flight isn’t until later, but he didn’t want to come.” I hadn’t seen him since the day he gave me a black eye, it wasn’t like he wanted to see me anyway. He hated me and I was the last person he would want to see. “Then to top it off he is running on like two hours of sleep.”

        “Why only two hours?”

        “He had gotten a phone call late last night and stayed up doing god knows what. So don’t be surprise if we just go straight home after the ceremony, I have a feeling Robert is going to crash the moment he sits down and rest.”

        “Yeah didn’t think you all would be going to the reception, so don’t feel bad. If it wasn’t so important for me to be there, I wouldn’t go either.”

        “I’m going to call Robert and see where he is,” I nodded my head as Preston walked out of the room. I sat down next to Benjamin and put my arm around him. He was holding on to his stuff pandas, I had gotten him another one. Another one for him to complete his panda family. That is all he ever wanted, he just wanted a family and I had thought I was giving it to him, but I wasn’t.

        “Benjamin I’m sorry, I know I haven’t been including you in my decisions. I know you don’t like Erika or that you don’t want me to marry her. I do love you and if there was another way I would go with it, but there isn’t and I hope in time you see I only did what was right.”

        “Whatever dad,” he said as shrugged my arm off of him and got up. He handed Sebastian one of the pandas. “Come on Bash let’s go sit with Ramona,” He grabbed Sebastian’s hand and the walked out of the room just as Preston walked back in.

        “He still mad at you I see,” I nodded my head. “Well he is going to be for a while, but just give him time.”

        “Yeah I know, so were you able to get a hold of Robert?”

        “Yes, he is here already and he should be here soon.” Preston sat down next to me, “You know I had kind of hoped that you would have called off this wedding when I saw how well you and Aden were hitting it off.”

        “You make it sound like you planned on us getting together from the start.”

        “Nope didn’t have that plan, didn’t think you would ever fall for Aden, but the way you looked at him says otherwise. It also doesn’t hurt that he adores Benjamin and Benjamin loves him.”

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