36- Unexpected Explosions

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Chapter Thirty Six:

Unexpected Explosions:

I was barely out of the shower the next morning before I was engulfed in a hug.

I let out an "Oh!" before I relaxed into his embrace. It was slightly awkward with my crutches but somehow, he made it work.

"You smell good in the morning, Pigtails," Garrett said giving my forehead a kiss.

I rolled my eyes. "Well I hope so, I just showered."

"You smell good all the time," Garrett assured me. He sniffed the top of my head and then said, "But in the morning it's just... special."

"Okay, freak," I said pushing him away from me.

"Freak? I do nothing but compliment you and you call me a freak?" Garrett stepped away from me and placed a hand over his heart dramatically. "That hurts Pigtails, that hurts right here," he said pounding his chest. "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all."

"Good morning Gare," I said, flashing him a smile. I started to crutch past him.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?" Garrett asked. He grabbed one of my crutches, stopping me from moving.

"Well you see," I said hoping on the spot as I got my balance with one of my crutches lifted off the ground slightly, "I had homework last night but somebody distracted me before I could finish it."

"Well... well it's not my fault you didn't finish it sooner," Garrett said without releasing my crutch.

"I know it's not, but it's your fault that I'm not finishing it now," I pointed out.

"Fine," Garrett said with an exasperated sigh. "Go be a goodie two shoes! Go finish your homework!" he said dramatically as he released my crutch.

I smiled at him and crutched away before he could distract me further.

Twenty minutes later, I sat at the kitchen table putting my finished homework into my new backpack. I had rushed through my work but at least it was finished now. I'd also finished my breakfast as I worked on it so I was ready to go. Which was a good thing because Garrett was standing in the doorway giving me (not so) subtle hints that he wanted to leave.

"Garrett! Leave the girl alone!" Ashley chastised him. "It's your fault anyways!"

Garrett grumbled under his breath, he hated being late.

"What was that?" Ashley demanded.

Garrett opened his mouth to answer but I beat him to it, "Ashley it's fine, I'm ready to go now anyways."

Ashley huffed but didn't say anything more.

"Goodie two shoes," Garrett mumbled as I crutched past him.

"I heard that Gare," I said as I slipped on my shoes.

"I know," he said innocently. I shook my head at him and we left together after calling a goodbye to everyone.

"Could you have just not done your homework?" he asked.


"But do your teachers ever check it?" Garrett probed.

"No, but that's not the point."

"Goodie two shoes," Garrett mumbled again.

I smacked the back of his leg with my crutch. "Meanie," I said.

He held his hands out in front of him. "Hey, hey! Don't hurt me," he pleaded.

"Only if you're good," I promised him. "So how did yesterday go, with Dustin?" I asked completely changing the subject off of me.

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