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Chapter 12

***Amy P.O.V***

I was paralyzed, frozen exactly where I stood.

I just killed someone.

And I was so ruthless about it?

I stood tense and rigid, my whole body began to shake with fear. My heart started to beat furiously, I thought it was going to beat a hole right through my chest. I lowered my eyes and stared at the dead rogue on the floor, blood pooling around him.

What have I done?

"Amy." Chad called to me. "Amy."

I couldn't look at him, I wouldn't. I just killed someone, someone who probably has a wife and possibly kids. The thought made me sick to my stomach.

Family rogues are very uncommon but they exist.

The next thing I know the gun is yanked from my fingers and thrown to the side with a loud metallic clank. "Amy." I hear again, and I continued to stare at the dead body. "Am's." His voice was thick with worry. Chad scooped me in his arms bridal style and carried me to the futon, my body limp in his arms. He felt so warm against me, but I felt so cold, like a killer.

"Amy you're so cold." Chad laid me down and stayed above me, I still didn't look at him. "Babe, please, just look at me, please." He pleaded, his voice began to shake.

"I know you can hear me, listen, listen to my voice, its okay,"He lowered himself and pulled me into a protective embrace, my body lifeless. "I love you so much. If you hadn't have done what you did, we both could be dead." He pulled away and looked me in the eyes and I averted my gaze from his. He put both hands on my cheeks and slightly shook me, "Amy, please just look at me, just please." He softly covered my ice cold lips with his warm ones and kissed me softly and pleadingly. I kept my lips in a straight line.

Chad whimpered at my rejection of him and my heart broke at the sound of it.

He pulled away and hung his head low.

What have I done?

I just killed a man and now I've just hurt my lover.

What the hell is wrong with me?

In the corner of my eye, I noticed a lonely tear slip from his eye and trail across the bridge of his perfect nose before it stopped at the tip.

I just broke him.

The tear fell from his nose and landed on my neck. I jolted upright and sucked in a huge breath as if someone had just dumped a bucket of ice water over my head. Chad wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tight. Warmness flowed throughout my body, and I felt normal again.

I relaxed and let Chad hold me. He always had a way to fix any situation, good or bad. I no longer felt cold, I felt safe and protected in his arms, I was complete. Nothing could get to me now. I closed my eyes and knotted my arms around him and sheltered my face in his neck while he slid me to his lap. I felt him let out a deep sigh of relief and settled more into me as he exhaled.

Neither of us spoke, we let our actions do all the talking.

He kissed the top of my head and gently rocked us back and forth, which slowed my heart rate and lifted the tension. My throat burned for the constant want to cry, but I still held back. My body quivered. Chad trailed his hand under my shirt and tenderly rubbed my back, his fingers working wonders. By now my heart had simmered down and I no longer felt like a brick of ice.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2014 ⏰

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