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Athame - a dagger or knife. It usually has jewels or engravings in the handle. Doesn’t have to be real knife it can be a symbolic one. Used to direct energy or cast circle rituals. Can also be used to cut magical ties.

Caldron - doesn’t have to be huge. Just a small bowl that you use to mix/hold ingredients during a spell. Some times used to burn things in.

Candles – very important, there is even a particular magic that is based solely around them. Candles are colour coordinated. Used to invoke the powers of elements and direction.

Runes – small stones with engravings on them. Used in fortune telling.

Chalice – cup, used for spells. Signifies mother goddess. Placed to the south.

Crystals – used to represent the particular spell and each crystal has its own properties. Earth element goes north

Bells – used to call deities. The chime of the bell brings attention to you and can clear away negative energy after a ritual. 

Pentacle – five point star. Providing power and protection

Salt water - used for cleansing. Can be put in chalice

Incense – represents air, goes to the east. 

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