Lost Anyway

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Around noon the four finally arrived at Belle's school.

"Lace," Ian muttered as he checked his phone. "Where are you?" He said looking at the mass of seats and people.

Harry meanwhile tried to see if he could find Hope. It was at times like this he wished Hope was taller. At the thought though, he laughed to himself, already seeing her indignant reaction to his comment on her height.

"What are you grinning at?" Hope asked, standing there before him as a few people parted in order to let her pass.

"You found us."

Hand on her hips, Hope grinned, a laugh on her lips. "Well it's not that hard, you did text me when you guys parked. I've been checking the entrance since. Come on you two, we have seats saved." She said ushering them, trying not to laugh at their previous deer in the headlights looks upon seeing the decorated auditorium. It was hacienda themed with the colors of oranges, yellows, reds, coloring every inch of the auditorium. The Spanish influenced decorations included columns wrapped in red rose twine. The budget for the ceremony was astounding. Hope was sure that it was much more than her high school graduation was. Granted, Hope was also sure the kids wouldn't quite appreciate or understand the theme, they were after all graduating kindergarten.

"Oh my god, thank god." Lacey said seeing her husband and kids. She practically flew to them. Anything to escape her fellow moms who were a tad too intense for her. Lacey was sure they had commented on her Banana Republic dress, and not so nicely because it wasn't name brand like theirs despite the fact her white and navy trimmed column dress looked just as good on her figure as their Chanel wrap dresses looked on theirs, if not better, the snide part of her thought. "Get me away from these women," She muttered harshly in his ear after kissing him.

Ian just chuckled though, he had grown up surrounded by women just like them and knew her pain. He was just glad he escaped his parents' clutches and ended up marrying Lacey instead of one of them. "My pleasure," He said with a kiss to her temple.

And once more Hope and Harry found themselves with two charges while Ian and Lacey went to get their coffee fix at the café across from Belle's school.

Hope just blinked, watching them walk away. She should be used to this, they did often ditch her with their children but her initial reaction of disbelief remained unchanged.

"They just left us didn't they?" Harry asked, beginning to see the pattern. Hope just nodded.

"There's my class! I have to gooooo." Belle said as she hopped up and down beside Harry, looking up at Hope impatiently.

Hope looked down at her niece. "Do you want me to do your hair now or later?"

Belle glanced at her classmates then back at Hope. She squinted her eyes in thought before peering at Hope. "Later."

"Okay, then come back when you're ready. Our seats are over there so we can see you when you get on stage." Hope pointed at their seats. Belle nodded impatiently before skipping off. Hope watching her with a small smile.

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