The Pregnancy Diaries

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Hello Wattpadders!

I know that I had a story also called "The Pregnancy Diaries" before, however that one has been deleted. Why you may ask? Well, in the last one, I was not actually pregnant. This time however; I am. 

Let me explain.

I walked in to the bathroom with my empty sterile cup thing, and emptied my bladder into it (let me tell you, it felt amazing - I was holding it for SO LONG!). I gave it to the nurse, and she took a few drops and told me to dump the rest in the toilet; so I did. When I returned to the room (which was right across the hall) the first thing I said was "And now we wait." The nurses response? "We don't have to wait honey, there's two lines. You're pregnant." Enter that feeling you get in your stomach on roller coasters.

Today, July 3rd 2012 at about 3:15 PM I found myself sitting in the Sexual Health Clinic talking to a wonderful nurse named Susie. Talking about my options. Now I couldn't tell you exactly what the conversation was cause well I was in a bit of a daze by this point. But now, I'm faced with a decision: abort, adopt, or parent. 

This is probably one of the hardest decisions of my life. I am only 19 years old, and the father of the baby is my ex-boyfriend. He has another girlfriend. In fact, this baby is a result of a one-night stand I had with him while he was with this other girl. I must quit my job (I'm a nanny and frankly can't keep up anymore, I'm exhausted all the time!) so do not have financial stability. And my mom told me to get an abortion. This makes the decision seem easy, right? Well factor in that I WANT this baby and it gets a little tougher.

So, for the next few weeks I'm going to try to write in this diary everyday. Hopefully writing it out will help me. I am currently 6-7 weeks pregnant, so I still have another month to make my decision. 

If you Wattpadders have any questions, PLEASE leave them in the comments. I'm going to be COMPLETELY open about this, right down to the fact that I've had diarrhea for a WEEK! (It's apparently an uncommon pregnancy symptom). Until tomorrow,

Happy Reading!

Love, mszjaxon    xoxo

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