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holy ish guys!! end up here and taking the long way home snippets...

honestly ill need a minute or hours to recover from my heart attack!

i can't wait for their whole album to come out!! so excited! xxx

here is your chapter, thanks for all the votes and reads once again :)

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Chapter fifteen

I woke up and stretched, rubbing the sleep away from my eyes. I looked around and noticed I wasn't downstairs, I was in Calum's room, but Calum's not in here. I decided to lay in bed for a little while longer. That was before I heard a loud boom like a bomb went off or something downstairs- yeah I've got to get up now!

Running down the stairs and almost tripping I found Bentley sitting on the counter laughing at Luke, Niall and Calum as they rushed around the kitchen- which is a compleat mess and Ashton will flip.

The boys are covered in flour, some sort of batter and worst of all, the oven caught on fire and they are trying to put it out.

"Oh hey Cam, just trying to make breakfast!" Calum said as they went back to putting out the fire.

"Where are the others?" I asked concerned that they left these three alone.

"Getting stuff at the store but they'll be back any minute so could you please-" Luke started to say but a loud scream made us all jump. I turned to the front door to see Ashton, who had dropped the bags of groceries they just got.

"The kitchen! What the fuck did you idiots do?!" Ashton shouted. The boys looked from one another then over to the rest who stood in compleat shock.

"And this is why we don't leave these three alone." Michael added, Ashton gave him glare which meant 'shut the fuck up Michael'.

"What happened?" Ashton asked a bit more calmly now.

"Well we wanted to make Bentley breakfast and well-" Calum started to say but Ashton cut him off.

"Please tell me what exactly you were trying to make?" He asked.

"Hash browns and pancakes.." Niall muttered. Ashton pinched the bridge of his nose and breathed out deeply.

"There are instructions on how to make hash browns, did any of you read them?" Ashton question, they just stared at each other and looked at the floor.

"I told you there were instructions." Luke spoke up getting all happy that he was right, when Ashton glared at him he stopped and awkwardly coughed.

"Just go get cleaned up, we have to be at the studio in an hour." Ashton told the boys, they nodded and ran as fast as they could upstairs. Niall headed that way too but Liam stopped him.

"Not so fast Niall James, get over here." Liam parented, I know it's the wrong time to say this but this was cute. Liam acting like a parent to these boys. Niall gave Liam the puppy dog eyes and pouted lip as he walked over to him.

"Awe Liam can't we let him go, he's just a kid." Louis begged, Liam shook his head and returned his gaze back to Niall.

"Niall," Liam started to say. Niall pouted his lip more, Liam sighed, "just go get clean up lad, we'll talk about this later." Niall smiled and ran upstairs to clean up.

"Bentley come here baby," I said picking him up off the counter, "oh and guys, could you do me a favor and watch Bentley while we go to the studio?" I asked, the guys nodded and I took Bentley upstairs to get him dressed.

Bullied By Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now