1||Rubber case

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Michael sat bored looking at his desk, fiddling with his pen in-between his fingers, while Luke was watching him from afar. Michael was day dreaming about the day he frist saw Luke.

Another paradise for me, I thought laughing softly when walking in the classroom, a few people stared but I shurged it off and toke my usual spot at the back of the room.

The teacher came in more cheerful than ever, "Okay class we have a new student!" Miss Cellulia  exclaimed. A boy walked through the doors after her.

"This is Luke!" She smiled happily. I looked up immediately to inspect this new student.

"Hi" Luke smiled and waved to the class.

His blond hair quiffed up, blue sparkling eyes, light pink cheeks. He looks cute. Luke scanned around the room, perhaps trying to find who he'll sit with on his first day. But his eyes found mine, it seemed as if time went slowly. I lightly smiled and so did he. But the teacher interrupted. "So Luke, you'll be sitting over there" Miss pointed over to a spare desk four spaces between them, Michael sighed. Luke and Michael shared a few glances before he sat down and they turned their attention back to the teacher. However Michael still looked over a few times.

That was two years ago.'That's the day I fell in love' Michael thought jokingly. 'Like I'm ever going to be with him seriously though' he told himself. Little did Michael know that's the day Luke started taking a big interest in him too.

"Uhh dude, you ok?" A guy named Sam next to Michael spoke, making everyone look including Luke. Michael realized he was smiling whilst looking in the distance, and stopped straight away.

"What were you smiling at?" A girl asked. Michael blushed shyly, looking at Luke.

"Nothing" He mumbled.

"Thinking about your crush?" Another voice taunted.

"Uhh no" Michael answered, looking down at his desk.

"oo Michael likes someone." Bronte, the popular girl in the class turned to her friend. 

Her friend, Samantha looked at me up and down "Ugh, I feel sorry them." She laughs chuckling like a ugly caked witch.

Someones always got to get made fun of huh. I look down at my desk beginning to doodle in the corner of my page, as Miss Whitegrass  carried on with her geography lesson. Luke sat silent thinking it's probably some other lucky girl.

Michael didn't daydream this time but watched Luke from afar like alway's.


I walked out of geography class after grabbing my assignment sheet, and I walked back to my locker and put my geography books into it. Now off to the cafeteria, yaay note my sarcasm. I kept my head down to avoid talking to anyone, I was almost there when I accidentally bumped into someone, hearing there phone drop to the ground. Oh shit I hope it's not cracked.

"Hey watch it!" I recognize that voice from anywhere, oh shit. I looked up to see Luke looking down at me with angry eyes. My heart starts pounding, scared what to do.

"Oh my gosh i'm so sorry!" I rushed. Luke's face softened, he shook his head before picking up his phone and walking away mumbling something I didn't hear.

Oh god, I've ruined everything between us, like there was anything between us anyway. I start speed walking out of the schools front doors. People turning looking at me up and down. 'What an idiot' they mumble. 'I hope Luke's okay.' Tears start to form in my eyes, what the fuck. I run to the reserve close by, and sit on a rusty green bench looking into the quiet reverse. I sat alone, wiping the unwanted tears from my eyes. I cant go home too early my mum will know I skipped class.

Why do people got to be like this. Make fun of the quiet one, luckily that had to be me.

One hour later later school has finished so I can finally walk home. I get home 20 minutes later, slowly opening the door to my house. I stepped through the door trying to be as quiet as possible. 

"Why are you home so late?" My mother walked in from the living room, startling me. I jumped a little but but returned to normal.

"This is the usual time I get home." I told her.

"And you haven't even done the dishes!" Ignoring what I had to say, so quick to blame things on me.

"Sorry I forgot." I mumbled.

Her intense gaze adverted its attention to the living room. Walking away from me she yelled "well get to it! And stop damn mumbling!"

I stood there for a short while thinking, wow. I walked into the kitchen and did the dishes as quickly as I could. When I was done I rushed up stairs, hoping not to stumble upon the grinch again. I sat on my bed, taking off my shoes and immediately getting under the covers. I went over the things that happened today making me remind myself about the incident with Luke. I cant believe that actually happened today. What if I cracked his phone? He really wouldn't like me then. I mean it was an accident right?

My eyes got droopy and I soon fell asleep with the soft blond hair and sparkling blue eyes in my head.


Thanking my beautiful squishy rubber case my phone didn't smash into pieces today, not even a scratch.

I should have run back to him and told him something. He probably thinks I'm angry at him, the way he looked up at me was scary. He looked sad, his eyes looked hazy like he was about to cry. I should have told him it was okay. I hope everything's okay with him.

You're supposed to move forward when you have a crush instead of moving back, being to afraid to make a move. But how can you when you're in a school full of judgemental stereotypical people.

I was always almost forced to go out with girls to maintain my popular status. 'Look at that girl, go ask her out', 'shes hot', my friends would say. 'Yeah' I said. I don't even like girls, at all. I like Michael.

Maybe Ill just have to talk to him tomorrow or something, I don't know.

I toke a shower and then fell off to sleep, thinking of Michael .

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So how do you like it? Is it good?? Comment and tell me aye. THANK YOU FOR READING MY STORY PLEASE COMMENT AND LIKE. THANK YOU!!
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Haha ^old 12yr old me and linked italics is me now. Im going to leave my ending author note thingys, because I find them funny lol.

Also yay, I finished editing the first chapter!

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