Making a Change

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Making a Change

When I thought of the word bullied, I always thought it was being beat up. I stereotyped the word "bully" because TV and movies make it seem like that. I though that the person was never really tormented to a point of feeling alone. I thought wrong. 

I walk into school like it was a normal day. Come to find out that its not. I was bullied for a very long time about my race and weight. People would post horrible pictures on things like Facebook and Instagram. So that day I decide that it was going to stop. My friends and i went to our guidance counselors office and told her what was going on. That was a very emotional moment for me. I felt things that I had never felt before. I really didn't know what people would think since i went and told someone. Mostly, I felt alone. That time period was one of the most uncomfortable and insecure moments of my life. I couldn't even change in front of someone without thoughts pouring into my head.  Nothing changed right away, but as the year went by it did. There wasn't one person that I could really tell how i felt. Usually i could tell my sister anything. Not during this time. Hope was all I could ask for, along with progressiveness, that is what i was striving for. Soon, they all apologized. I was thankful for that, but that didn't change how insecure I am now. 

Even though this has happened, it still doesn't change how I feel now and how I felt before. It still left a permanent feeling. It has changed me but it definitely hasn't scarred me! I don't think i could say that I'm glad it happened, but if it hadn't, then I wouldn't have gotten the chance to be able to stand up for myself, and learn how to stand up for myself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2012 ⏰

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