Chapter Thirteen

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Dedicated to AdeleLuvsanime for being my eighty-second fan!! THANK YOU SO MUCH, YOU ARE AWESOME!!

I wake up to the sound of my name being called in desperation. My memory is a cloudy, misty swamp that repels me from trying to remember anything. But I remember.

How can I not?

It was the most horrible thing I have ever experienced; something straight out of a bad horror movie. And I feel sorry for the audience, but they didn't feel it like I did. They didn't go through the suffering like I did. I thought I was dead, I thought it was the end. Apparently not. Apparently, I have a lot more to live through, and even more people to live for.

Like, him. Rhys.

He looms over me, not threateningly, but cautiously, his beautiful features knitted together in concern. We're in some sort of tent and I can hear the battle still raging on despite my situation outside. I wonder how many more have died, how many ordinary people have lost their lives for two people they barely know. How can the world be so harsh?!

Trying to keep my focus here, I meet Rhys' gaze. He looks at me, his face draining buckets of relief. He lifts my head up and nestles it in the crook of his arm. He lifts a cup of water to my mouth, “Here, have some water.”

I drink obligingly, the cold water running down my dry throat, soothing it like a soft caress. When I've had enough, I pull my head back and lean it against Rhys' arm, gasping for breath. He strokes my cheek gently, “Oh, Donna. I'm so glad you're awake."

I smile up at him weakly, trying not to shiver from the cold, “So am I. What was that?”

“No one has had to suffer an attack so vicious from those guys before.” Rhys' eyes darken perceptibly, their beautiful blue going dark and stormy, “It was so hard for me to see you suffer, Donna. Every moment felt like death.”

“What do you mean?” I breathe, looking up at the beautiful boy leaning over me. The beautiful boy who I have grown to love in the past year, who has risked his life to save mine, who waited a hundred years to see me again, who would happily give everything up for me.

“When you were being attacked... psychologically, I chanced upon you. You were writhing on the ground, you looked as if you were in agony, you were mumbling all sorts of nonsense.” Rhys looks distant, as if the memories are still haunting him, “I'll never forgive the one who organised for this to happen to you. I'll kill him if it's the last thing I do.”

“Rhys...” I say, attempting to sit up. Rhys helps me to sit straight and then he positions his leg so it supports my back like a comfortable chair. The other leg is crossed under him. I look at him, out of breath by even that little movement. I reach across and touch his cheek with the palm of my hand.

Right now, my mind couldn't possibly process anything, I was still confused. The only thing that swam before me was the troubled faces of my parents, “Rhys. Please tell me I'll get home. Please promise me we'll go home after this. As soon as this is over. Promise me, Rhys. I don't want to stay here any longer. I really don't like this place. I hate it here. I'm sorry but I really do. Please promise me you'll do that, Rhys.”

Rhys nods, putting his hand over mine and pulling it down so he can hold it, “I promise. I'll take you away from here as soon as I can. I'm not going to let anything hurt you now.” I lean my heavy head against his chest, needing the warmth and the smell of home he so generously radiates. My hand curls into a fist, scrunching some of his shirt as I swallow back a sob, knowing me crying will hurt Rhys more than it will me and he's suffering enough as it is. It's like he senses my distress, because he holds me tighter to him and gently rocks and forth, mumbling a lilting tune into my hair. I listen to him for a while, my weakness ebbing and doziness setting in.

Burning Desire - Sequel to Burning ParadiseWhere stories live. Discover now