Kingdom Flaws (16)

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My chest was still heavy.

I was still so confused with everything Yerksa has been overwhelming me with, but now all of us knew what we had to do.

I was surprisingly wasn't mad and after the intense talk with Yerksa I slept on my aggression and woke up calm through the following morning.

It was dead quiet which was weird, but soon after Yerksa came fully armored surprising us all with the news she had for us today.

"We head for the eighth piece of the sword," Yerksa synced herself with one foot forward. "Tonight is the night."

"I feel like I should break into random singing when you say that," Ritava spat out of nowhere.

We all stared at him wondering where the humor laid in it, but frankly we were all tired. He murmured under his breath and looked down.

Something in me sort of glad he was back to normal, the joking Ritava side still there.

"What's the plan?" Valvane sighed the question.

"We stock up first and relatively rest while talking about who will do what," Yerksa licked her lips. "Cronus, prince." Yerksa eyed them both. "Let's get started."

All  in all the initial plan before we could head to the seventh kingdom was to stock up and collectively have an aggressive plan depending on the 'what if' cases. Most of them circling around the fact we could be attacked and possibly killed.

That being the number one case.

Ritava was to make a glimmer for all of us. The same one from before when we were glimmered into fake seventh kingdom guards.

The plan was to enter the kingdom split into two distinct groups. One Yerksa leading and the other Autumn.

Autumn, being assigned to be the leader because she knew the possibility of where the part of the sword could be located. 

Something about a secret door her father clearly told her never to go near as a child.

"It makes sense," Yerksa nodded thoughtfully lost in her own thinking. "The fact your father would bring specialized magicians associated with bending."

"I guess." Autumn nervously twitched.

"When she gets angry or sad I've seen on first hand bases that you wield them weirdly enough," I murmured staring at Autumn. "Is it hard controlling your emotions?"

Autumn didn't answer.

"I do too," I hesitated at first. "Controlling."

Autumn stared at me in that moment. Her eyes clutched to mine. I could see the desperate understanding she wanted. Her expression folding with relief as she nodded.

I understood the pain of admitting it. Yet, what she doesn't know is that I truly just realized and admitted it myself right now.

"Are you sure?" Valvane frowned, cutting in out of no where. "I hope your not tricking us and really are on your fathers side-"

"No," Autumn snapped glaring at him. "I wouldn't-"

"I wouldn't be surprised," Day raised a bold eyebrow.

Autumn flushed biting her lower lip.

Kenzie and Day giggled while Utopie weirdly enough didn't. The alliances have been firm for awhile now with Autumn losing her usual crew. Utopie with Fefe and Cor stuck on Valvanes side.

It's funny to think how it used to be compared to now.

"Accusations like these I will not tolerate," Yerksa lifted her chin with a icy tone. "Understand?" She confirmed.

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