The Hidden Royal [18]

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"Did he just..." Brannon trailed off, staring at the computer in shock. Everyone looked horrified except for me. I was pissed as hell and I couldn't wait to get my hands on the bastard. To feel his blood running down my hands. To rip him into pieces.

"Where's the location?" I demanded. "I want it now." I turned my glare to Brannon's team who were looking at me with wide, frightened eyes.

The curly haired blond immediately started typing in things on the computer. I can't believe they just started looking now at where she was. It didn't take that long to locate someone.

"She's in America. The only thing that we're picking up now is that the state is South Carolina. We can't get any more information because it's deep underground." The blond informed in a professional voice.

The King sighed. "Looks like we're going to America." He turned to Shawn. "I want you to gather the men. We need as many guards as possible to track her. I need that whole state covered." He ordered. Shawn nodded and walked out.

When his angry eyes settled on me, I couldn't help but shrink back a little from fear. Suddenly, he stepped closer, his nostrils flaring. "You haven't marked her."

I swallowed and shook my head. "No Sir. I didn't."

"Have you two kissed?" He asked.

Why the hell was he wanting to know this? "Yes Sir."

"I suppose your parents never taught you much about mating. Did you know that if you kiss, it brings your wolves to recognize each other. That means you started the mating process. Usually in a few days the couple would finish the mating. Females go into heat after that. However, I'm predicting that you've went a while without marking her. Right?" I nodded. "Son, she's still going to go into heat. After a long period of time without fully mating, her wolf grows restless. So she sets off the heat."

"So she is in heat now?" I asked, my voice laced with concern.

"No, you would be able to feel that your female is going into heat. Since she's begging for her mate, your wolf will recognize the call no matter how far away she is. What I'm concerned about is that unmated males will smell her and if she doesn't have a mate around, their wolves are going to take over." After that being said, I growled. I refuse to have another male touch what was mine.

"Please, we need to hurry. I can't have that happen to her. She's depending on me and you to save her." I pleaded.

"Don't worry, we're going to find them."

After gathering up all of the guards and extra volunteer fighters, we were quickly on the plane to America. My wolf was stirring inside me. He was anxious and very concerned. Something was going to happen, I could feel it.

As I fixed me a drink that would hopefully calm my nerves, I walked over to King Markus. He was standing by the window, staring out into the distance. From the expression that I've seen on my father and other male mates, I could tell he was thinking of Queen Mary.

"Sir, I need to ask you something." I said, snapping him out of his thoughts. He nodded and I continued. "Something is about to happen. My wolf can feel it and he's fighting to take control."

"Are you sure it's not from the anger that you have for the man that kidnapped both of our mates?" He asked.

"I'm positive. What could it be?" I said. Me and my wolf were so anxious that I was staring to shake.

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