I'm Not Saying (This is Love.)

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I’m not saying this is love.

And I’m not saying 

That I want you.

I’m not saying that I’m helpless.

But I’m telling you

I need you.

My palms are getting sweaty.

And my heart is

Skipping beats.

I know because our hearts

Were always thumping

Right in sync.

The mistakes are in the past.

But I can’t say

That I forgot.

Because even now I think of you.

And wish we

Hadn’t lost.

I can’t say we didn’t try.

But we could’ve done

Much more.

We were always caught in something else

Not worth

Fighting for.

I’m not saying that I hate you.

‘Cause we know

It isn’t true.

But the future we once had is gone.

The love

We never knew.

I need you here beside me.

As I say my

Final words.

I need to feel my hand in yours.

I’m fading

From this world.

I cannot keep those promises.

That I once made

To you.

I wish we had given our all.

And never said

We’re through.

My heart is twisting at its core.

My hand 

Begins to hurt.

I should’ve told you sooner

But I never 

Found the words.

I’m telling you I’m sorry.

For the pain I

Will now cause.

Your hand is squeezing tighter.

You anticipate

The loss.

The stuff we thought was gone,

It had come flooding

Back to us.

I’m sorry that it ends like this,

I’m sorry

But it must.

My tears, they stain my cheeks

As I am fighting 

Not to go.

But my grip is getting looser

And my heart 

Begins to slow.

Your eyes, they pierce my soul.

And then you touch

Your lips to mine.

My body’s getting colder

So I whisper 

One last time.

I have one thing left to say

Before I’m flying 

With the doves.

I’ll say this is our last goodbye.

I’m saying,

“This is love.”


** I've decided to dedicate this poem to @DeathNoteNinja becase she won a contest I held a week ago. Her winning poem was, "Rebels, Roads, and Riverbanks." It is a beautiful poem! You all should read it! :D

~Mikaila <|:3

I'm Not Saying (This is Love.)Where stories live. Discover now