Isn't She Lovely - Chapter 15

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" Sare please say something!" Harry begged. I had just been standing there speechless for a while now.

" Congratulations" I said once again.

" More then congratulations Sarebear, actually talk to me" he tucked my hair behind my ears.

" You always wanted  to move there" I felt a tear roll down my face. I felt like a fool, I should have known that Harry and I wouldn't live happily ever after, we were too different.

" So did you" he sighed. " I was going to wait till after you got out of school and tell you on your birthday" he paused

" I talked it over with the boys and they said if you want you can come stay with us do a few weeks in the summer. You can"

" I don't know Haz." I trailed off I didn't want  be the annoying girl that followed my famous best friend slash boyfriend everywhere.

" It would mean a lot to me, you wouldn't have to go for a few weeks so I can give you time to think about it and ask your dad"

"I don't know if us  living together is a good way to start off our relationship" I laughed a little whipping away my tears. I didn't want to be upset with Harry, we hasd to much to loose now. If we ever got on a big fight and broke up it could effect our friendship. Which is why I was still secretly questioning if us dating was a good idea.

" We practically live with each other  now" he pointed out the obvious. " I don't think being separated for months when we are just starting out will be very good for it either" he kissed my cheek.

" When do guys leave?" I asked

" The night of your birthday. They wanted to leave the day before but I insisted we wait"

" Can I have time to think about it?"

" Of course you can"

" Thanks"  I really needed time to weigh the pros and cons of everything. I wanted so badly to just say yes but not everything in life is that easy. What about my dad? What about living with the four other boys? What about when the band got even more famous? I wondered.

" I'm going to go to bed, I see you in the morning" I pecked him on the lips and went up stairs.


" Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday  to you! Happy Birthday dear Sarebear, Happy Birthday to you!" the boys sang to me. I think lots of girls dream was having One Direction sing happy birthday to them but for me it was just My boyfriend and his best friends  celebrating something that didn't really need to be celebrated.

" I want to give her my gift first" Louis exclaimed well handing me a box. I unwrapped a bag of carrots.

" Thanks, I guess" I smiled at him.

" You are  so very welcome" he grinned. " You  don't mind if I have a few do you ?" he reached for them before I answered. 

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