17) FrΣΔkΥ FriδΔΥ

376 21 75

Marinette groaned as she dragged her feet out of the school. One hand was gripping her purse, and the other was holding her gut. "TGIF. I hate cramps so much," she whined. Alya, who was walking beside her, winced a little.

They stepped down the stairs side by side toward the street. "Ooh. What day are you on?" Alya asked. Marinette sighed as she held up a single finger. Her best friend gave her a look of pity. "Well, I'm here for you, girl. And cheer up! It's Friday! Let's go to the movies. A new film should do the trick to take your mind off of certain things."

The two weren't far behind the boys, who waited near the sidewalk to chat for bit until Adrien's ride would show up. Marinette kept staring at her shoes while they continued their stroll. I need some painkillers.... She was so focused on her aches that she didn't notice that Alya stopped moving, so she subconsciously did the same.

"You know how a period is supposed to be three to seven days?" Marinette finally huffed. "Who is that brat that only has to suffer three days?"

"How long are your classes? The longest period I had was fifty minutes."

Marinette squeaked at the voice and whipped her head up to find that Alya had stopped to talk with the boys. She couldn't believe she just said that in front of her crush!! Her sweating palms instinctively hid her flushed face. Most. Embarrassing. Thing. Ever. For some reason Alya was staring at Adrien with her mouth wide open.

That's when Marinette realized he was looking at her expectantly. Waiting for her to say something. He appeared clueless and it took a moment for her to process what he had just said. She suddenly arched an eyebrow.

Nino let out a roar of laughter. A confused Adrien turned to look at his best friend.  "What?" He said innocently. Marinette got a better grasp on the situation and awkwardly pressed her lips together. Nino clutched his stomach and gasped for air.

"That's not what she meant, bro. I mean, of all people, you should know," he snickered. Adrien's face was instantly tinged red. "Th-that was one time, Nino! I told you it was just a bad choice of words, I really did have to go when Marinette went!" He raised his hands in defense. Marinette was the one that was confused now. What were they talking about?

Alya seemed to read her thoughts, then leaned into her ear. "I'll tell you later," she whispered as the boys argued. Marinette nodded as a flustered Adrien kept defending himself.

As long as she wasn't the only idiot here, she was good. Funny, I never heard Adrien say anything stupid before. Marinette was reminded of when her lucky charm had given her a bralette and Chat Noir was completely clueless. She rolled her eyes at the memory. They were so different, yet so alike in some ways....it was weird.

"Well, then," Alya began. "Marinette and I gotta split. We have a movie to see. You guys wanna come?"

"Sorry, I have to wait for my ride. I have a photoshoot soon," Adrien explained. He gave them an apologetic smile. As much as he wanted to come, he couldn't. "I'll just wait here with my bro, but we'll take a raincheck," Nino added. "I'm holding you to that," Alya swore before leaving with her friend. Marinette looked over her shoulder.

"Bye!" She managed to say to them. Adrien mustered up a weak smile and waved back.

Once they were gone, Adrien shook his head. "Can you please never mention that to any of the guys? Or the girls? Or anyone, for that matter," Adrien pleaded. Nino chuckled. "Never bring it up in public, got it. But I'm never gonna let you live this down, dude," he laughed. The model moaned.

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