chapter 4

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Yes i know. I'm horrible. Its been too long. I have a gift for all of you. I hope you like it and forgive me.

Chapter 4

The sun peeked out symbolising the dawn. It meant the beginning of a new day as well as the time for Prince Rowell's daily bathe. He sat in the current of the stream, enjoying the feel of the water flowing over his naked form. He smiled at the rising sun. It signified a new opportunity for mischief.

He looked down at his submerged body. It was a strong body. The tensing and relaxing muscles of his abs, the trail of brown wisps of hair slowly building as they led to his manhood, and strong riding legs. He smiled and tossed his head back to look at his attendant.

Caien sat cross legged, a few steps off, under a windle tree. Today Caien was wearing a white knee length tunic, legging and soft leather shoes. He played with the end of his braid and bit his bottom lip. This meant that he was thoroughly absorbed in the book he held in his right hand.

A mischievous look crossed the prince's face and he took action. He slowly rose from the water and as quietly as he could, crept up to Caien.  he sprang...landing on a startled Caien. With a laugh of triumph, Rowell shook his dripping wet form, earning protests and whines from Caien.

"Stop yourself this instant your highness, " ordered Caien.

"Stop yourself" Rowell countered between chuckles.

"Get off me this instant or i'll turn you into a duck!"

Rowell burst out laughing. What an outrageous threat! Only Caien would do such a thing.

He laughed with his whole body, eyes tearing and shoulders shaking, Caien noted. He could not resist. Using his right hand, placed his index finger to his own forehead and crossed his eyes. As a result quack was the sound produced. Caien had given himself a duck's bill. He continued quacking, quacking up a storm in fact. He was instantly rewarded for his efforts. The prince's laughter was renewed.  It was only when laughing tears formed rivers on Rowell's cheeks did Caien remove his index finger from his forehead, thus returning his face to normal. The bill was replaced by one of Caien's smiles as he laid his right arm under his head. They laid there, drinking in the beauty of the morning.

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