Chapter 29 -- Intuition Calls

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"Sometimes, in the Muslim community, I feel like we just focus on appearances too much." -- Noha Ali

Chapter 29

Intuition Calls

☻ Noha Ali ☻

            Intuition is a funny thing. Sometimes you trust it, like when you’re completely lost on a question on a test, and you trust your gut feeling that the answer is B, only to be completely wrong and find out that the answer is A. Other times, you don’t want to trust it, and want to kick yourself when you find out that there really was a slice of cheesecake left in the fridge and your stupid older brother ate it. I think intuition is just one of those things that can only be figured out to an extent. After that, you just have to realize that there are certain things only God knows.

            My intuition is nagging at me. Fridays are usually dedicated to family nights, mostly for Dawud’s benefit, where we all do something together. This Friday night we watch Dawud perform his own magic show.

            I’m not one of those people that are glued to their phones. My dad told me and Adam that if we get glued to our phones, he’d take them away. Technology is meant to help people, he said, and if we became slaves to it, our phones would be gone faster than we could text.

            After I get home from school, I usually drop my phone somewhere and don’t look for it again until I need it. But something about today, Friday, told me to keep my phone on me. And I sure as hell am definitely going to listen.

            Dawud makes Adam disappear (oh, my dream) as I am fingering my phone in my pocket, waiting. It finally happens. My phone vibrates and I discreetly pull it out to check the screen.

            My heart skips a beat in fear when I see that it is Zakariya. Oh God, what happened? I swear…if that boy messed up majorly I’ll have his head.

            Leaning back so that Rubs is blocking me from view, I open the message with a loudly beating heart.

I need your help. Like…now.

            Oh God. Should I be worried? Please tell me that there’s nothing to be worried about. Please tell me his concern is about something we have to do in art class. “Ma, a friend needs help with something. I’m really, really sorry but may I be excused for a few minutes?”

            I give them my most innocent and honest eyes. “Alright, just hurry back.” Dad and Mom say, nodding and then promptly going back to Dawud’s trick.

I’m going to log on to Skype. IM?

            Using the laptop that Adam and I share, I log onto my Skype. Zakariya is online. Bracing myself for the worst, I tell myself to get down to business, very Mulan-like. Thankfully, Zak is on the same page because he doesn’t waste much time in telling what he wants.

ZakAttack: I need your help. It’s urgent.

Nohas_Ark: Yup, I figured. Tell me. And salam.

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