Chapter 6- Lost

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Hello there. I had to publish early, because I won't be home until late tommorow night. I'm staying at my cousins house :D I hope you enjoy the chapter :D <3 Comment and tell me what ya think!

Dedicated to ilovemyfatcat because she encouraged me to update, instead of holding it off till later, like the lazy person I am :D


   The sun was setting as Gaara and Toph finished eating. Toph was stuffed, but noticed Gaara hadn't said a thing the entire time they had sat there together. Not that she cared of course, but something about it bothered her. After paying, Toph followed close behind Gaara, as he slowly made his way outside.

     The air had grown chill as they walked through the streets. The city was quieting down, and the sun reached the horizen when Gaara stopped suddenly. Toph nearly crashed into him, when she noticed they were standing on a sort of cliff.

     Not to far below them was an oasis. It almost big enough to be called a pond. 

    "This," gaara began, "This is what sustains our village. We have small wells all around the village, but this oasis has never dried. Even in the hottest of years, or the dryest of seasons, there was always water here."

     "So why are we here?" Toph asked, noticing not very many people were around anymore. It gave her the creeps. She heard Gaara step off the cliff and he was gone. "Gaara! Gaara where are you?!" Toph could still hear him, but she couldn't see him. Then she understood. He must have used his sand to carry himself off the cliff. Topg sighed in releif, when Gaara spoke up.

     "Toph... do you trust me?" Toph didn't know how to answer, but the feeling in her chest was back. It was stronger this time, making Toph feel like she couldn't breathe. Her stomach felt fuzzy, and she suddenly felt... giggly. The guy that tried to kill her only a few hours ago, stood in front of her expected her to trust him. The concept sounded crazy, but what was even crazier, was that Toph did trust him.

     "Yes..." Toph smiled having said it, waiting. She couldn't see him anymore, but she felt as if he was smiling. It made her smile too. Suddenly she felt him grab her hand, and pull her up on onto the floating peice of sand.

     "Then come with me." Tophs heart felt like it was going to pop out of her chest. She didn't want to pull away, if anything she wanted to be closer to him.

     "I'm.... I'm not good with floating in mid air, on sand. I can't see as well, and the last time I did this I nearly fe-" Gaara kissed her, shuttng her up. It was only a peck, but it seemed to last forever. Her head was dizzy, but her heart was racing. She wanted to slap him, no, punch him for even touching her, but the feeling in her chest held her back. Toph was sure she was blushing. "What... what was that for?" Gaara was quiet. "Tell me! Why are you doing this?"

     "What do you mean?"

     "You know perfectly well what I mean! Firts you kidnap me, say your going to kill me, then take me out for dinner and kiss me in the same day! I mean, this is crazy! I should be running away from you but-"

     "But what?" Gaara questioned. Toph didn't know how to answer. She never felt like this before, and it made her happy and scared at the same time.

     "But.... for some reason I'm more scared to leave you, then I am to stay with you..." Toph waited for him to answer, but he just held her hand. It just felt, right, so she didn't pull away. "Can we get down now?" Toph asked, breaking the silence. She felt wind and they were suddenly on the ground. Gaara let her hand go, and started to walk away. Unsure, and confused, Toph mearly followed. Lost in thought, Toph didn't realize they were back at the hospital, until they walked up to the receptions desk. The nurse quickly picked up the phone, calling on the intercoms fo a Baku-something to report to the desk immedietly.

     From around the corner, the man from earlier appeared. "Gaara!" He shouted, "What do you think you're doing, taking a danger to the village outside?! Gaaras' sand grabbed Baku around his nack, cutting off his voice.

     "She is not a danger," Gaara hissed. "I'm the danger here, so leave her be. If I ever hear you call her dangerous again," Gaara released him,"I'll make sure to kill you next time." Chills ran through Tophs spine. He turned and walked out like nothing happeed. Baki stood up, coughing. He walked over to the receptions desk, where the nurse was trying to control her breathing.

      "Please page Kankuro and Temari immedietly." The nurse did as she was told, Kankuro and Temari appearing from around the corner a few minutes later.

      "What happend?" Kankuro asked, "Was anyone hurt?" Baki explained what had happened, and ordered them to keep an eye on Toph. Toph rolled her eyes, as they led her back to her room. They didn't bother to chain her, but both stood post, whispering to eachother outside of her room. Toph didn't  hear them, because she wasn't listening. She was too busy thinking about what she had just experienced. Turning off the room light, and geting under the cool sheets, she fell asleep. But one thought hung in her mind, Toph unable to answer it.

     Am I.... falling for him?

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