9. Nate - 2: The Relationships

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The air was still in the middle of a deep green forest. A low hum of chirping birds sounded off in the distance but all remained quiet.

Suddenly, wind ripped through the trees as a figure sped by.

In another part of the forest, Angels of Nature were practicing with their work. The entire forest was made and maintained by them. There was truly nothing like it anywhere in existence. The flowers were always the brightest of colors and the leaves were the deepest of greens.

“This lily is not blooming,” one redheaded angel announced suddenly to her classmates.

Their advisor made her way over to the young adult and inspected the plant she was worried about it.

“Dispose of it then.”

The girl gasped at her superior. “But it will be so beautiful. It should only need a little more time.”

“It has had enough,” the advisor claimed. “Dispose of it, Ariel.”

The girl sighed but did as she was told. It was a shame that any plant should have to die because it did not mature as fast as the others. Everything in this forest was perfect and had to be maintained as such.

Suddenly, the same figure from before sped by the group of angels. All of them lifted their heads in curiosity as a strong wind from the figure blew past. It came to a stop only to expose a familiar dark haired Fire Angel sitting high atop a black and white stallion.

“Good morning, ladies,” Nathaniel greeted. “And other angels.”

The girls sent him silly smiles while the men frowned. The advisor crossed her arms in shook her head in obvious disapproval.

“Nathaniel,” she began with a scold. “And where is your superior?”

“You are my superior,” he replied smartly as he leaned on the mane of the horse.

The advisor scowled. “Where is your designated superior?”

Nathaniel shrugged. “I lost him somewhere in the forest.”

“Then you should be making your way back to him.”

Nathaniel frowned clearly unhappy with the idea. “I just did my best to escape him though.”


Nathaniel sighed. “Bye ladies!” His blue eyes quickly met the brown ones of Ariel. She blushed and sent him a little wave as he called out the horse and took off in the direction that he came.

The girls around Ariel giggled at her expression. She coughed uncomfortable and continued to inspect the flowers before her. She could worry about that boy later.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel continued to enjoy the wind that ripped through his hair and his wings. He could’ve flown anywhere he wanted but riding bareback was a new experience. As the edge of the glorious forest came into view, Nathaniel slowed his stead to a trot and calmly exited the forest into a wide open meadow. His superior in a chocolate brown robe stood with his arms crossed and an un-amused expression.

Nathaniel only laughed as he hoped of his horse and tapped it to send it on its way.

“You are very, very late.”

“Relax, Hayyel,” Nathaniel said putting a hand on his shoulder. Hayyel was an Angel of Wild Animals and was teaching Nathaniel how to respect and use animals such as horses. Unfortunately, he kept going off on his own path and didn’t enjoy following instructions.

“I returned your horse in perfect condition. I respected him as well and did not push him to go anywhere dangerous,” Nathaniel said in a little bit of a teasing tone.

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