Fraternizing with the Enemy.

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Frank watched her through her window, the girl who was supposedly the biggest threat to his father's pack. She looked no older than eighteen. He only saw the back side of her, but every once in a while she quickly turn around then turn back forward. Every time he missed her face. He didn't know why, but he wanted so badly to see her face.

She danced in her room, her long, curly black hair flying in and out of her face, she moved throughout the room, listening to a song he couldn't recognize. It was a song that was out of his taste, but she seemed to love it. She replayed it over and over, to the point where Frank knew every word. It explained how he felt about her know.

She was "Lost in the Stereo", oblivious to him or the events unfolding. She was beautiful, her slender body moving this way and that way as she sung the song.

And he didn't even know her name. He'd never felt this way about a nameless stranger. Strangers were an everyday thing to him, passing him in the streets, walking through the halls of school. But this stranger she was different than the others, she stuck out to him.

She flung her head around causing her hair to fly everywhere. It was a real sight to Frank. He'd never seen a girl so happy to dance alone in her room. Finally, as if she had planned the whole routine, she faced the window Frank was staring in through. His breath caught in his throat and he felt like he was being strangled.

Her face was round but slender like the rest of her body. Her eyes were outlined by eyeliner that made the gold in her eyes pop inside the blue. He'd never seen a girl, even one that was part wolf, with eyes that were blue on the outer part and gold closer to the pupil. They were gorgeous. Her hair hung all in her eyes and face. She looked right past him, staring at the full moon that hung in the sky. He was upset when she turned back around to face the mirror she had used to fix her hair in. He could see her reflection in the mirror, her face looked happy, but she also looked like she was hiding an unknown emotion.

Gosh, she was so gorgeously different to him. He badly wanted to walk through her front door and kiss her till they were the only two in the world, but he couldn't.

This was a job. She was an enemy to his family. With her on the Black's side, she would be a deadly weapon. Frank knew even though he wasn't suppose to know that she was the key to any pack's dominance over all the other packs. He couldn't let his mind wonder. She was no different than any other job, he told himself over and over. Frank didn't know why, but he couldn't convince himself. She was different and he wanted her.

"Frank?" A girl's voice called from behind a tree, she was being careful not to be seen.

"Yea?" Frank called back to her, he knew she was one of his father's pack, but he could never remember her name.

"We're ready to get the job done with." She whispered loudly, coming out from behind the tree only by an inch.

Frank looked at the girl one last time, then walked to the back door of the house and broke in.

He had no idea how he was going to get through this night.

Prologue Part two:

Cole had danced till the sun had finally gone down all the way, allowing her freedom to phase and go running. She lived for nights like these nights, her mom and dad had rushed off to help her sister with her delivery of the twins as if John-her husband- couldn't handle it. But she didn't care how little attention it gave her freedom to do what she wanted. Her father on the other hand gave her too much attention. He went on and on about how special she was, how she was different than any other human-wolf. She didn't feel different, she felt like her father's puppet. Nothing she ever did was good enough, and now she couldn't handle the feelings she kept bottled up anymore. She had to get away from her home, away from this pack. She would come back, just not tonight. Maybe not even tomorrow night. She just wanted to run, to feel something other than sorrow.

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