Part XIV ~ The Jealousy Game: Round Two

Start from the beginning

“Please don’t be mad! You weren’t that bad! Honestly! I remembered when I first became the Doctor, I made a fool out of myself countless times!” he semi shouted through the door.

I decided to ignore him. I was disappointed in him. One day, he’s calling me his best friend, the next, he forgets something that we do almost every night.

I walked out and he was still standing there in his Doctor costume.

“Come on, Cadence! You can’t really be this mad with me, it’s not like I lied to you or something, I just forgot,” he started to defend himself.

“Well maybe if you unlocked your lips from Daisy’s every now and then, you wouldn’t have.”

And with that, I ran over to Arthur and faked a great big smile on my face before going in for a long hug.

“Hey, glad you can make it,” I said.

“Glad I could come back home,” he smiled.

I pulled away from the hug and I as I saw Matt approaching from the corner of my eyes, I crashed my lips onto Arthur’s. We kissed for a moment with Daisy awkwardly standing next to us until Matt cleared his throat.

“I didn’t know you two were dating!” Daisy smiled. “Way to go, Arthur, you got a pretty one here.”

“Let’s all go to lunch,” Matt suggested.

Matt placed a hand on Daisy’s waist as we walked so I took Arthur’s hand in mine. I caught a look of Matt’s face as he was walking in front of us and he looked a little… amused?

We walked into the cafeteria were I sat with Arthur on my side and Daisy and Matt facing us.

“So, Daisy, do you think Cadence was terrible today? Because she is convinced she was,” Matt spoke up.

“God no! She was great! A fine companion if you ask me. Why would she think she was terrible?” she replied, looking shocked.

I rolled my eyes. Somehow, her initial kindness was replaced with fake kindness. She just seemed to overdo it, an actor’s worst enemy.

“Because, Daisy, someone ditched me last night,” I said sternly.

“Not ditched! Geez, Cadence, let it go. Besides, I haven’t seen Daisy in months and you’re mad that I spend a little time with her?” Matt answered, getting annoyed with me.

“I’m not mad that you are spending time with her! I’m mad that you neglected me! If you would have just taken a second to text me or walk over to my trailer who’s right next to yours by the way, I would have been fine with it. Instead, you made my wait an hour before realizing you weren’t coming and I wouldn’t risk knocking at your door because the whole damn crew knows what you two are up to. You can go back on a promise if it’s not a big deal, but when you make me wait around like a fool, that is when I have the right to be crossed,” I ranted to him. Dammit, it felt good to get all that off my chest.

They all starred at me, not knowing what to say. Daisy and Arthur felt terribly uncomfortable while Matt was thinking over what I said. Finally, I decided that I wasn’t hungry and left the table excusing myself.


That night, I was in the worst mood ever. I realized that a part of my stress and anger was also due me missing home, my pets and my parents. My heart felt heavy and I was about to burst. I underestimated the difficulties for being an actress. All the stress and space from people you love. Keeping your love life separate from your work life and not letting the stupidest things get the better of you. I guess what I needed was a break, visit London for a day or two.

I hugged my pillow tightly and fought back the tears in my eyes. It was settled in my mind, I was going to ask for a day off to drive up to London Friday and come back Sunday. If they were to deny me my small vacation, well, then I would go anyway.

Someone knocked on my door.

“Go away!” I called, knowing too well who it was.

But he came in anyways – I should have locked the door…

“Cadence, you are going to talk to me. Or at least listen to what I have to say,” he said firmly, walking into my bedroom and sitting down on the bed next to me.

“I don’t have to,” I replied, turning over in bed so I didn’t have to look at him.

“Fine, I guess you’ll have to listen,” he sighed. “I am sorry. You hear that, Cadence? I’m sorry. I’m apologizing. Do I think I have to? Not really. Am I apologizing because you are my friend and I hate that you’re angry with me? Yes, absolutely.”

I didn’t answer for a long time. I bit my lower lip and was having in internal battle with myself. As much as I was mad at him, I hated it too and my mood wasn’t completely his fault…

I sat up next to him and sighed.

“I’m sorry too… I’ve was in a crabby mood and well, I took it out on you, Matt.”

“In understand,” he smiled.

He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me to him. I closed my eyes as I laid my hand on his shoulder, taking in his freshly cut grass smell.

“Don’t you have Daisy to go back to now?” I asked.

“No, she left earlier. I’m all yours tonight if you want to talk,” he answered.

But we didn’t talk. We stayed in a perfectly comfortable silence. He laid his head on my head and let out a tired sigh. Soon enough, we both fell asleep.


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