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There was a crack and the paper moved. A hole showed the accuracy of Mirian’s aim, only a little off centre of the inked targets head. She reloaded the gun, again putting only one bullet in, her thumb wiping over the engraved S of Stephanie’s name, occupying the handle of the revolver. She let the breath she was holding out, before sucking in another and holding it. Steadying her aim, and firing her second shot. The paper moved again, the loud crack ringing in Mirian’s ears. No matter how used to the sound Mirian was, she knew she would never stop hearing that ringing it caused.

“Rehearsing your next kill?” Darin walked into the room Mirian had convinced her Father to turn into her own firearm practise area. Darin knew not to enter while Mirian was shooting; he knew it would result in his getting either shot, or having to pay for it over the next few days, Mirian style.

“Piss off Darin. I don’t need to listen to you.” Darin only shrugged in response, before walking forward and leaning on the waist tall concrete wall that separated them.

“Then don’t. But I’ll say it anyway; who do you think our mother is?” The question through Mirian off guard and her next shot hit the paper, though nowhere near, where she’d been aiming. She looked ahead at the wayward bullet hole wide eyed. Realising it was a question she had never asked. Who was her Mother?

“Why do you say is?” Mirian put the gun down and turned to her brother, “What makes you think she’s still alive?” Her arms crossed, and she stood defensively, waiting for Darin to make some offensive snide comment.

“I don’t know. What makes you think she’s not?” Darin asked, “Think she’d be proud of us?” Mirian snorted at this.

“You’re a rapist and I’m a murderer,” She grabbed the revolver and filled it with all the bullets it would hold, before firing each at the paper. Seven new holes now riddled the inked man, and Mirian didn’t feel any better. “Why would she be proud of us, huh? You think she would be happy to go around town telling everyone her children are going to end up in jail, that her daughter is a trained assassin and her son has more ‘pets’ than he knows what to do with? Do you think she would be proud? That the man she had children with, is the country’s most dangerous criminal, or that more people have died in this single place, than the rest of the town. Do you think she would be proud of that?” Darin seemed lost for words as Mirian stuck the revolver into its holster and stormed past him. Tears of shame burning her eyes. She stopped when Darin called out,

“She would be proud of you for caring sis.” Mirian didn’t reply, only continued walking. Thanks bro.



Sorry, short as ever, but whatever. That's deliberate. Next chapter going to take forever, I did finally get chapter ten started, but then it somehow got deleted and I have no idea whta I did  so I'm back to being stuck.

Dedicated to Kieriix for making the new cover. Thankyou!

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