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 Dear Jack,

                My thinking is that you might feel lonely when someone shouts because of the wall of sound that is created. Perhaps you feel shut out by such a noise because it creates a barrier between people. That’s how I see it anyway. But I won’t try to psychoanalyze you or anything because I know how annoying that can be. Thea always tests out different theories on me that she learns in psych class. I’ve found that it’s all very interesting until it’s being applied to your problems. Regardless, I hope you know that I am still very grateful for you coming to see me and that I would do the same for you in a similar situation if that was your wish.

 Thea is, indeed, one of the loveliest people in this world. Sometimes I think that her only flaw might be that she cares a little too much. It’s quite nice to have her input on occasion, but at other moments she can be rather overprotective and maternal. She was raised in a way that there was no distinction made between friends and family, and she’s definitely carrying that into her own life if you ask me. One time she even told my brother off for staying out too late, which he found mortifying and I, of course, found absolutely hilarious- you should’ve seen the looks on all our faces…

 It’s a good thing that you like me so much considering I don’t intend to go anywhere. I was thinking earlier about the future and all that crap, and you’re definitely in mine. Like, whether you like it or not, you’re gonna be there. I can see it. We haven’t been speaking for very long but I already can’t imagine not knowing you. I don’t want to get older and be going through an old box, find out letters and wonder about whatever happened to you. I want to know. I want to be there.

 I like the fact that you don’t do things unless you feel like it. In many ways you seem to be the opposite of me, Jack. But I quite like that. Perhaps it creates a healthy balance within our relationship.

 Damn it, I was trying to avoid using that word. Regardless of the dynamic between two people, the word “relationship” sounds like it has romantic connotations to me. And I would not wish to make any assumptions or cause you to feel uncomfortable- as far as our “relationship” goes, any way in which we are linked is acceptable to me. Perfect, even. Like I said previously, I do not see my life continuing without you in it.

 Don’t get me wrong, I find you to be a glorious human being, and should you ever feel the same way about me- or love me, even- I would be so incredibly, unbelievably honoured.

 Not to put any pressure on you or anything.

 No pressure at all.


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