~*~ Chapter Twenty Four ~*~

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~*~ Chapter Twenty Four ~*~

Tilly Age Two

Kiki age Fourteen

Julian Age Sixteen

Kyle age Seventeen

Eric Age Eighteen

Eric’s P.O.V

I pulled Kiki as close to my body as I possibly could I missed how I used to hold her before two nights ago.

“Why are you so sad?” Kiki asked me in a raspy voice.

“I should never have told you we could no longer be together that night Kiki” I replied.

“Ungh” Kiki groaned, I had forgotten she had a wound on her forehead. “What happened? Why do I feel so weird?” Kiki asked.

“Your neck snapped but somehow it re-healed I am unsure of how though, you would be paralysed by now, and one of the bones inside of your wing broke when you fell, I shall fix that when we get back to the school though, and the nurses had to cut your hair again because most of it was destroyed due to blood” I explained handing Kiki a hand mirror, she let out a disappointed sigh.

“I look like a little kid” she complained causing me to laugh.

“You are a little kid” I reminded her.

“I’m not that little” Kiki replied with a frustrated sigh.

“I like it this way it reminds me of when we wer-“I began but cut myself off and let go of Kiki.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Nothing” I said instantly.

“What were you gonna say?” Kiki asked a little agitated.

“Nothing Kiki!” I said sternly causing her to sigh again.

“They had no right to cut my hair!” Kiki quickly changed the subject, my back had been turned to her and my arms were folded of my chest but I turned to face her again and dropped my folded arms. Something caused me to walk over to her and sit on the bed, placing one of my hands on her cheek absent mindedly I found myself in another world suddenly. “W-What’s w-wrong Eric?” Kiki stuttered.

“I know what you are thinking” I replied surprising Kiki and even myself.

“W-What?” Kiki stuttered.

“You are thinking about how ugly you look, Kiki I dislike it when you think that way, you need to come to realise you are truly beautiful, and do not worry, the hair shall grow back” I replied my voice sounded dazed.

“I guess….” Kiki replied holding my hand with both of her own and then placing it on her shoulder instead. “What did they do to you?” she asked me worried.

“Nothing” I muttered looking away and dropping my hand kind of embarrassed.

“Why’d you have wings?” Kiki asked me.

“Don’t worry” I replied getting a little agitated.

“Eri-“Kiki began but I cut her off.

“I SAID DON’T WORRY!” I shouted.

“I-I-I’m sorry” Kiki replied shocked.

“No I’m sorry, Um I think we should be leaving now” I said trying to avoid the topic as I climbed off of the hospital bed.

“We can leave straight away nowadays?” Kiki asked shocked.

“Yes” was all I said as I helped Kiki into warmer clothes. “Your birthday is nearing” I told her causing her to flinch.

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