Astro Zombies

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"Oh, Frankie!" I say sadly, and run up to him.

He hugs me, but his heart isn't in it. You can tell - after all, I've experienced many a Frank hug, so I know what a happy hug is.

"Sunny." He mumbles into my hair. "She thinks I cheated."

I know who 'she' is, definetly.

"I know, sweetie." I say, stroking the back of his head in a motherly way. "But you didn't, did you? That's all that matters." 

Gerard's come behind Frankie now, so I let go. Gee needs a turn.

They squeeze each other for a while, then Gee releases so that Frankie can explain.

"She called me last night." He sniffs, eyes still reddened. "Explained why she left my house so early. Do you know, Gerard? What happened?"

"Mm." Gee replies with a heartbroken look on his face.

Frankie turns to me then, suddenly angry.  He starts firing questions and accusations at me."Who the hell did you get a hickey from, anyway?! I just lost my girlfriend because some one-night stander gave you a fucking love mark? Just because you fancied having a hickey? Was it deliberately aimed so that Jamia would assume and we'd break up? A-hah! I bet you're breaking us up so you wouldn't have to give Venom away! I've seen you get real attached to that lovely dog, and you don't wanna give her back, do you? Well, you have to! Seriously, I'm so mad with you, Sunny! How could you do that? And why didn't you explain to her that it wasn't me that made that hickey?"

After that outburst, I don't really know how to react.

Wow. And I thought Gerard had cheered me up for the rest of the day. I guess even Gee's power of sassy, sexy comedy won't make me smile again today. I feel like crying, right here and right now. But I have to keep it together. If I keep positive, maybe Frank will too.

...but that's getting increasingly hard, as I feel my throat start to catch.

Gee's just blinking at what Frankie's said, a mix of horror and confusion showing on his face. He glances at me, with a sudden look of sympathy for me, and I realise they both must be waiting for me to say something.

So I do.

"It was not deliberately aimed at you and Jamia. I love you guys very much, you're my best friends! And yes, I do also love Venom a lot too. It will be hard letting her go, but I know I won't be looking after her forever, and she's for Jamia. So I'll get over it. After all, I'll still get to see Venom, right?" I say, keeping my voice low and unraised so that it fights back my tears. "I tried to explain, but she put sand on my face."

Frankie furrows his brow. "Sand...?"

"Yes. Sand." I repeat, and hear myself make Gee and I's signature chokey noise. "And it wasn't a one-night stand at all. I wanted this hickey. It was...Leonardo Di Vinci style work."

Gee grins and shakes his head slowly, and I do a slight smile despite my current sad state. Frank looks confused again, but doesn't say anything.

"It was a sign of love, Frankie. Love. I wanted it because...I'm in love with the person who gave it me. He's brilliant. He makes me laugh, he's sexy, intelligent, sweet and very, very sassy. So I'm sorry that you lost Jamia, but if you just explain everything I just said to her I'm sure she'll take you back. And in future, I hope you won't yell at me for having a true love, okay?"

I shut my eyes and feel the warm tears seep through my lids.

Damn, why am I always crying? They must both think I'm a baby!

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