Shark girl

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                                                                                 It was in the 1980s when I got bit by a shark. My friends and I wanted to go to the beach to cool off because there was no pools around are town just a small beach. We already knew about all the shark attacks that happened in the past at this small beach. We never thought one of us would ever get bit. We all got are swimsuits on and drove over to the beach. When we got there we put our towels right above the shoreline.Then we ran into the ocean.We were having fun splashing each other. Then some of my friends went to the shore to tan.  I was in the ocean all by myself. Then I decided to go out a little farther into the ocean.The water was now up to my chest. All of a sudden I felt something slimy touch my leg it felt to small to be a shark I thought.Then I felt sharp teeth grab my leg and the shark pulled me under the water I thought I was going to die right then and there.I was able to swim away as fast as possible. When I got up on shore I couldn't walk on my left leg because the shark took a big chunk out of it. My friends were confused and rushed over to see what had happened. They saw the big chunk missing from my leg and they knew a shark must of did it. One of my friends ran to get some help up at the road and luckily the one guy walking was a doctor because i was loosing lots of blood. The doctor helped carry me to the car and they drove me to the hospital. I got twenty five stitches in my leg and the doctor said I was going to be OK. I spent the night in the hospital and was able to go home the next day. This is when weird things started to happen.

                                                                            That night I started to get terrible pain in my jaw I didn't know why. I just let it go until the morning the pain was even worse and my feet were really itchy. I thought maybe a hot shower would help the pain a little. But of course things got really bad. I layed in the shower shaving my legs and I cut myself. I could smell the blood it was like it was all over the room. It was weird then the cut started to get slimy and gray like a shark. Then it started to get on half of my leg then soon i had a fin like a shark. I jumped out of the shower I was totally freaking out. I don't know what to do when you have like a shark fin on your body. I threw a towel on and the shark fin seemed to go away. It finally went away then I got up on my feet and looked in the mirror I had blood dripping down my mouth. I looked around to see where the blood had came from. I looked in the shower my stitches were all over the bathtub and blood was everywhere I bit the chunk back out that the shark at the beach bit off I was so mad. I didn't even remember biting it back off.I ran out of the bathroom blood was all over the house. How did this happen what a mess. I don't even remember doing this. I walked outside to see i if everything was normal. The town was a wreck there was blood everywhere. A guy came up from under his car "Everybody run theirs the shark monster" He said pointing at me.Me I'm the monster?It has to be from the shark bite.I went to the medicine cabinet and got rubbing alcohol out and poured the whole bottle on the shark bite. It stung so bad.I screamed the pain out.Then i went to the bathtub and filled it up with water. I jumped in the water and waited to see if i got a shark tail.I waited for it seemed like hours.Then I noticed i was turning gray and slimy.That means I was one of the chosen ones to be a shark girl for the rest of my life.

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