Consume Me- Chapter Two

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Be reminded that the "Italicized" words are her flashbacks...


Violet's POV

The days he came to visit me I would have to spend in my little bedroom preparing. I would sleep for hours, eat a lot of sustaining foods and wash my body thoroughly. On the days he didn’t visit I would spend around the mansion, just leisurely strolling around. Today was one of those days. I woke up earlier than usual and headed down to breakfast. I just wanted to be out of there before his whore came around for the day. I don’t think I could stand seeing him all over someone else. Of course all of that went in vain because when I entered the kitchen there he was wrapped in someone’s arm making out like there was no tomorrow. I kept my head averted to the ground as I walked in, trying to draw less attention to myself.

“Yes Alarik” the brunette moaned as he sunk his teeth into her neck. When a vampire bites another vampire it can be a very erotic thing, instilling new heights of ecstasy in both partners; and because they heal immediately biting wasn’t dangerous. Alarik however never allow anyone to bite him, or drink from his blood; when both partners share their blood they become bound to each other and he refuses to be tied to anyone. How do I know? Thane taught me everything I know about vampires. He may be annoying as hell but he feeds my curiosity whenever I need it.

It is different when a vampire chooses to share their blood with a mortal, when both immortal and mortal exchanges blood, only the human becomes attach to the vampire; the human gains some enhanced qualities like a flawless appearance, heightened healing abilities, and advanced sight but the main disadvantage is the human becomes connected to the vampire and that vampire alone. The vampire however cannot be attached to a human. It was against their nature to be bound to someone weaker than their own.

This was where my dilemma dwelled, I was attached to him, and I was forever bound to him until my last breath. How? I drank from him and him me.


 I woke up with my mind a muddled mess as I tried to remember what brought me to my state of confusion. I heard the steady beating of my heart from machine monitoring my heart rate, the room I was placed in was pale blue, with one little window off to the far end. The sheets I was placed in were white with small patches of red which oddly looked like blood.

“You can’t just go drink from her” a voice shouted right out my door “She’s in a coma for goodness sake”

“Oh you care how touching” another voice added coldly “But isn’t that why you brought her?”

“Yes” the voice said.

“Then she’s fulfilling her purpose” the cold voice jeered “Should’ve kept her stupid mouth close if you asked me” he continued before barging into my room. When my eyes made contact with the two new strangers everything came back to me. My mom selling me at the auction, being taken away by Thane, his terrible master with the cold grey eyes that hit me, then…. Everything else was blank. I couldn’t come up with anything else. My mind just stopped.

“Oh goodie she’s awake, they’re no fun when they’re asleep.” The master dude said with a flat voice. “Hello Violet, it’s so nice to meet you” he sneered

“The feeling’s not mutual” I said trying to mean as possible, I mean come on he hit me, but my threat came out as a croak, making him chuckle darkly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2012 ⏰

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