Chapter Twenty-Nine - Tyler

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Hi love! I'm going to try my absolute best to get another couple of chapters out before my surgery next week. I will have plenty of time during my recovery to write, which is nice, but I have no idea what my stamina will be like! I've never had surgery before.

Love, Cam

Chapter Twenty-Nine


I looked at the canvas with a somewhat determined glare, and picked up my brush. I hadn't done this in a while, not since Colin and I had separated. I kept putting it off, trying to find a time that felt perfect, where I could get it all done start to finish.

"Oh, fuck it," I said, and grabbed a big, flat brush, like it was some kind of weapon. There was no perfect time. I got a great big blob of crimson on my brush, and practically smashed it into the canvas, destroying the pure white. It felt good. I smeared it about, letting the bristle ends roughen up the texture of the paint, giving the impression of fabric. I smudged the red paint on the palette, nudging a bit of orange into it, warming the tone, before returning to attack the canvas once again.

"You paint so violently."

I looked over the canvas at Elliot, who was emerging from the red duvet that I was trying to paint. I smiled; I liked it when he was sleepy, he was so languid and loose-limbed, constantly trying to burrow back down into the covers.

"I like to paint violently," I replied.

Elliot chuckled sleepily. "What are you painting?"

"You," I replied, and then eyed him in annoyance. "So go back to sleep. You looked good then."

"Charming," Elliot said, smirking.

I rolled my eyes. "Just lie down."

"You don't have to tell me twice," Elliot said, collapsing back into bed. "God, I'm tired. The social pressure of exchanging a child was more than I expected."

I grinned, returning to paint slightly less viciously at my canvas. I only had some paints, anyway, not my full set; we had flown to Ireland and I was using Stephen's paints. "You did great. Well done for completing your first child exchange."

Elliot laughed. We had flown with Saskie, along with Sorcha who was bouncing in her seat the entire flight at the thought of seeing her girlfriend - which was still insane to me. Colin and Andrew had met us at the airport, and we had, as Elliot described, made the exchange.

"It's not really an exchange," I said. "It's not like we got anything in return for her."

"I believe we were gifted 'peace and quiet'," Elliot said.

I eyed him, sticking the brush handle in my mouth while I picked up a smaller one. "You're absolutely losing it if you think a triple-date with my parents, Sorcha, and Siobhan is 'peace and quiet'."

It came out distorted, because I had a paintbrush between my teeth, but he got the gist.

"It feels weird that she isn't here," Elliot mused, as I attacked the canvas once again with some purple.

"That feeling never goes," I told him. "Or at least, it hasn't yet. Maybe as she gets older and she becomes less dependent on me for things."

Elliot smiled. "I don't think she'll ever be far from you, love." He then stretched. "How long do I have to stay in this position for?"

I checked my watch. "Until half past?"

"Fantastic," Elliot smiled happily, nestling inside the bed. "I like this holiday."

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