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Introducing June:

June, when you hear the word June you think cold and chilled. Nothing more than that, maybe warm hearted. But what more? June felt that way about herself. She felt as if she was nothing, not worth anything at all. At the age of 14 there's so many things to Handel; society, friendships, school, and what everyone else really thinks about you. Some people think that it's just a phase to worry about what other people think about you. But it's not. It starts to grow bigger and bigger, that's who June was. What other people thought about her got worse, the thoughts Would get bigger and bigger. The more she socialized the more doubt she had in her self. The more people she knew the more she felt she needed to measure up to. The more she went shopping the more she wanted to look like everyone else. June was different, everyone is different. But June is way different. To others it was too different, every school she went to it was filled with eyes always on her. Her heart would pound a billion miles but no one would notice. The laughs in the back of the bus made her palms sweat and hands shake. If this was you, would you feel too different? Could you handel it?

Day 1:

" Everyone, I'll be giving you three days to study for your test on human cells." said Miss Chen. The look of her beedy eyes made me nervous, looking into anyones eyes did. I feel like I'm the only one that feels awkward about looking into someone's eyes. It's like someone staring at you when they're not supposed to. Let's just say you're talking on the phone and someone stares at you the entire time from a distance, would it freak you out? Yeah that's how it feels for me, but all the time. I look slowly around the class room everyone's laughing, why? Is it me. The thoughts suddenly come to my head, if you're wondering what I mean by "The thoughts" It kinda will go something like this.

Me: See's someone laughing with friends.

Mind: " Oh they're all laughing at you, your hair is hidious today why did you even bother. They're probably planning to do something to you and humiliate you in front of everyone, you better get out of there now."

Me: Knows answer to the question in class about to put my hand up.

Mind: " Don't do it oh my god it's going to make you look dumb, you know it's wrong. Everyone will hate you and call you a nerd! don't do it!"

Me: Looks in mirror.

Mind "Oh my god what is that? Is that an ugly price of crap or what? Everyone's going to laugh at you today no one will like you ever."

So who do you think would win my mind? Or me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2012 ⏰

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