Everyone wants love

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I hear you want to learn how to make a love potion,

Oh no, there's no need to explain why.

The reason is self explanatory: everyone wants love.

How you achieve it is up to you. 


But I must warn you,

Terrible side effects may occur.

But I'll allow your imagination to run wild on that.


There is only one true way to make a love potion.

It's rather simple, really.

6 fresh rose petals, 3 mint leaves, a pinch of rosemary,

3 cups of spring water, sugar, and honey.

Mix with your heart, soul, and, most importantly, love.

Love is the key ingredient.


I hear you want to learn how to make a love potion,

Oh no, there's no need to explain why.

The reason is self explanatory: everyone wants love.

How you achieve it is up to you.  



I hope you guys enjoyed this poem! It was fun and interesting to write it. Comment, vote, and share! 

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