Chapter 9: Blink and You're Dead

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So hey. I have to apologize for not getting this out sooner. I've been sick over the last couple days and had a hard time concentrating on this chapter. I know I left a lot of you in suspense, but that's the fun part about being an author. ;D

Read on, Whovians!


Chapter 9:

Blink and You're Dead

"Don't blink. Whatever you do, don't blink." the Doctor emphasized from behind me. If not for the breath caught in my throat, I would've chastised him on his obvious request. Why on God's green Earth would I blink? I couldn't even move. My whole entire body had stiffened under the ghastly glare of the Angel. I could feel my hands trembling and my teeth chattering in my head. I was terrified.

"Doctor," I whispered, forcing my aching eyes to stay open. My stomach churned as I looked at the statue's outstretched, clawed hands, and wondered what they could do to me if I blinked. "What do I do?"

The Doctor hesitated with his answer, which made my heartbeat dance to a faster tempo. If he wasn't positive about what to do...well, to put it nicely, I felt doomed.

"Echo, I want you to do exactly as I say," he instructed. I intended to squeak out an answer, but my throat had closed tight. I managed a few quick nods instead. His voice was stiff and instructional as he went on. "Back away slowly. Very, very slowly. And don't blink. And I mean do. Not. Blink."

I did as he said, taking one step backwards, then another, then another, until I could feel the heat of his body next to mine. I winked my eyes one at a time to keep them from automatically blinking. My trembling fingers searched desperately through the darkness for his hand, but all I came upon was the sleeve of his jacket. Good enough, I thought. I clutched the cotton material tight in my fist to reassure myself that he was still there. Without a doubt, the Doctor needed to stay by my side now more than ever.

"What do we do now?" I whispered to him. There was a prolonged silence after my question, which made me worry that there was no body attached to the jacket that I was holding onto for dear life. I dismissed that idea quickly after stopping for a moment and hearing him breathing right beside me. I once again had to wink my left and right eye as the burning confronted them with more force this time.

"Ah well...considering we're both looking at Angels, I'd say we're in a bit of a pickle," the Doctor said too nonchalantly. "In a bit of a pickle...remind me never to say that again." The amount of humor still bleeding through his voice astounded me. Here I was, trembling in front of a demonic stone statue, and he was asking me to take notes on what he should and shouldn't say. If my body wasn't completely numb, I so would've kicked him in the back of the knee.

"Oh sure, I'll remind you. That is if we even make it out alive!" I raised my voice at him to get my point across.

"Alright, alright. Don't worry. I can handle this," the Doctor tried to calm me down. I sucked air in to yell once more, but he had already cleared his throat and started talking, this time to the statues that formed a barrier around us. "Surrounding us, are ya now? Don't you think that's exceptionally low, even for you lot? You've got a whole field of tuned-out hippies, and you decide to come racing over to us. How simple-minded of you all."

I blinked. I couldn't help it. My eyes were getting so tired and heavy. The statue inched closer with hungry eyes and hands just itching to grab hold of my neck.

"Doctor..." I gasped. I bit down on my tongue to keep myself from crying, or worse, screaming.

"Not now, Echo," the Doctor whispered to me. "Now, where was I...ah, yes. Your stupidity. How could I forget?" I could hear the smile in his voice as he egged the Angels on. He was obviously enjoying his time here, but I was done. I wanted to get away from this hellish statue before it got its hands on me.

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