To Be Imprinted On...Chapter Thirty One.

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Chapter thirty one

Alexis' P.O.V:

I woke up bright and early the next day, I turned over to face Aiden who had a faint smile on his face-a funny dream, maybe?-I slid out of the bed and padded over to the bathroom to wash my face, I changed into a pair of shorts, a t-shirt and some socks. I went downstairs into the kitchen where Christian, Jade and Eden were sitting at the breakfast bar.

'Morning All!' I chirped, sitting at the breakfast bar and taking a piece of bacon from Christian's plate.

'Morning, Twin' Jade sung, we always called each other twin because even though we're not sisters we look a like and we have the same personality, dress size, shoe size and fashion sense and this annoyed the hell out of Christian for a reason I don't know. Thank God, Christian and I aren't related because if we were then I don't know how I'd cope knowing that he's my cousin-the guy is annoying and making people feel awkward and uncomfortable is his entertainment-I got a plate out from the dish washer and took bacon and eggs out from the frying pan.

'Eden, I was wondering if you could tell me more about my Mom, starting with the guitar in the guest room' I smiled, stuffing the bacon into my mouth-this tastes good!-Eden looked at me and gave me an impressed look. 'Sure thing, honey' and with that she went upstairs and when I finished I followed her into her office.

The walls were covered in bookshelves and her desk was neatly organized. Eden dragged her finger across a row of books, tapped one and pulled it out.

'Your mom loved music; she wanted to be a country singer. When we were younger she always used to force me to listen to her sing and play her guitar. Our family wasn't exactly loaded so she used all her pocket money and saved up to buy a guitar. I think her favorite singers were Shania Twain and Dolly Parton; she loved playing their music on that guitar of hers. You probably don't know who Shania Twain or Dolly Parton is, right?' I nodded and she continued. 'Thought so, you might like Taylor Swift, she's round about your age and a country singer I bet you're into people like Paramore or Beyoncé' I smiled, I don't know about Beyoncé but I'm definitely into Paramore.

'How did she learn to play it?' I asked, taking the book from her and flicking through the pages, it was a diary.

'Like I said, our family couldn't afford much so she taught herself and sometimes she'd stay after school for the orchestra and the teacher would teach her for free. If you want I could pay for someone to teach you' Eden explained, my eyes widened. I've always wanted to learn how to play an instrument. I nodded. 'Yeah, sure!' I exclaimed, jumping up and hugging her.

'How come you have her diary?' I asked, waving the fragile book in her face. Eden laughed, as if she was remembering a funny memory. 'Well, I always used to try and read your mom's diary because I had nothing better to do and one day she caught me and hid it in a smart place. On the day of her funeral your Dad came up to me and said that she wanted to me to have it, when I opened it, there was a picture of me and her on Halloween just before trick or treating'

I opened it and there was a picture of two teenage girls standing on a bed and doing a ridiculous pose. They both had on a witches outfit and they were sticking their tongues out. I laughed when I recognized that the one that was doing a peace sign was my mother and the one that was just sticking her tongue out was Eden. My mom looked so happy and beautiful with her hair covered in green hair spray.

'Alex?' I heard Aiden's voice call-God, I'd forgotten he was here-I got up and went into the corridor to see him peeping in all the open doors looking for me.

'I'm here, Aiden' I smiled. He turned around and when he saw me his face lit up. Aiden ran towards me and picked me up, spinning me around I let my head fall bag and giggle.

'I missed you' Aiden mumbled into the back of my neck as he held onto my waist and we walked into Eden's office.

Eden looked up from her desk and smiled and Aiden. 'Cookie man!' Eden squealed, clapping her hands. Aiden's body stiffened, I just remembered that he wasn't wearing a shirt just his shorts. 'If you want to be rape free-go put on a shirt' I hissed, wriggling out of his embrace and watched as he jogged back into the room to get his shirt.

'You mind if I keep this?-I asked, looking at Eden.

'Sure, sweetie, your mom would have wanted you to have it' Eden smiled, and blew me a kiss I blew one back and went back into my room.

Mr. Samuel's P.O.V:

I paced up and down my office, thinking of where Alexis could have gone. If she has run away then how am I going to get the locket to work? I waited for my class to enter, Iyannah Bates is supposed to be in this class, so maybe I could spill some information off of her and maybe some blood too, I haven't hunted in two weeks and my throat was burning. Today we're going to be dissecting a dead rabbit and all that blood-how in the world will I be able to compose myself?

Iyannah was the first to enter the classroom; I quickly caught her attention by clearing my throat. She smiled at me and went to her seat at the back of the class where she used to sit with Alex, it was just me and her in the classroom, some of the students likes to waste time and take the long way to get to their lesson. Iyannah was normally one of them, but today there's something different about her.

'Is there any news of Alexis' whereabouts?' I asked, I need to know where she is so I can get my time capsule back, it meant everything to me. My plan was to capture Tiffany and turn her so she'll have no choice but to be with me forever and now that I know that she's dead, the plan was ruined I had no plan...I just wanted the time capsule and then I'll find a way to make

Mrs. Stewart mine anyone could tell that she was having an unhappy marriage and I can make it better for her.

'Yeah, she's in Florida with her Aunt Eden' Iyannah answered, taking her text books out. Text books? Iyannah Bates has text books?-She must be determined to learn today, even her clothing was different normally she'd dress like she's going to a formal party now she was just wearing jeans and a shirt with the trainers that all the teens are wearing nowadays converses.

'Will she be returning anytime soon?' I questioned, placing experiment help sheets on the desk, another five students entered the class room, their hearts were beating at a normal pace just the sound of their blood pumping around in those young bodies of theirs was the only thing that keeping me going.

'Yeah, before prom' Iyannah muttered, putting on her goggles and the science laboratory white jacket. I smirked; as I got the rabbits ready...they were already dead so they'd be no screaming or crying from the girls or animal lovers...hopefully.

When Alexis comes back, this years Prom is going to go off with a bang.

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