The Dream Walker

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All my life I have felt like an outsider, like I never truely belonged I have always had good grades (as I find school easy) and I have always been quite popular. As I have found out being popular isnt all that it seems to be. Quite frankly its alot of hard work. I have always had it easy because my family is quite wealthy but i do not brag about it because i know what its like to not have enough money or enogh food on the table. As you might have already guessed i am adopted.

As for my looks it's obvious that I am not part of the lee family. I have jet black hair and startling green eyes and I suppose I'm not the ugliest. But the rest of my foster family has blonde hair and all look roughly the same. My foster mother Karen has straight, short blonde hair and to answer your question no she has never died it. My foster dad Peter has also light blonde hair and chocolatey brown eyes. My foster parents are so sweet, kind and caring. Chloe my foster sister on the other hand isn't, her life's mission is to make my life a living hell and sadly she succeeds in doing this.

Chloe has light blonde curly hair with lightest blue eyes her eyes are an un natural Light blue, so light almost white...

Which is why she freaks me the hell out!

But I don't know why she likes to make my life a living hell but for now I guess I'll just have to put up with it. Because if I don't act like I'm thankful they could send me back like the last bunch did. They were horrible creatures my old foster parents and no I'm not exaggerating when I say creatures. Every night they would eat their dinner in front of me whilst I only had what I could salvage up from the bins. They were disgusting things they rolled around in their own muck! Expecting me to clean up for them after they had stuffed their faces full and left half of it to drop out of their mouth YELCH!!! I can still remember the way they never brushed their teath, showered once every 2 weeks!!! And would sit around all day long watching the tv and farting! The only time they got up was to either punish me or use the toilet which even then wasn't all that great seeing as they usually never made it or just couldn't be fucked. But one day I decide enough was enough and I stood up to them! But really I shouldn't have. Because what happened Caused me to do something I never do...

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