Chapter 1 Me.

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My name is Stephanie Morton.

But you can call me Steph, everybody does, I have a pretty big group of friends.

My Best Friend is Allison Pierce. The Allison Pierce. Ali is popular, pretty and smart. Guys adore her. Well everybody does.  She's pretty much my polar opposite. 

I'm the sidekick. The Robin to Ali's Batman, the Hermoine to Ali's Harry. Honestly i don't even know why she's picked me to be her friend. I used to be the new girl nobody, well till I moved next to her that is.

She told me what to wear, who to talk to, what make-up to use and BAM i was with the popular group.

Just when my life was perfect. Of course life decided to throw a curve ball. My mom got a new job so we moved, and I was alone once more.

On my first day at Woodlyn High I went to meet my class.

Imagine me walking down the hallways, hair perfectly styled (blowing in the wind casually like hair should) walking in the class meeting the gaze of that one boy...

Well now that we're done imagining let's be real. I was late, my hair was in a hastily fixed (now drooping) messy bun and I was lost. When I finally found my classroom the last part of my imagination was actually correct, sort of. Instead of staring into that one boy's eye I was staring at and being stared at by around 20 pairs of male eyes. 

I started to look around for girls, a girl. There weren't any girls. Not one. 

I may have forgotten to mention that I have no skills with guys. Like at all. Especially with hot guys.

When I looked around that was all I could see. Hot guys.

This was every girls dream, just not mine. I was terrified.

Two months earlier.

"Steph!" Ali called "Come down we're waiting.

"I'm coming I'm coming!" I call downstairs.

I was wearing a black lace dress that hugged my body perfectly, it had a sweat heart neckline and a cut out in the back. We had bought it at the mall today. Ali picked it out for me. I was wearing red lipstick and red heels, My hair was curled to perfection. Just as I was about to go downstairs Ali burst in. She stopped next to me and looked in the mirror. 

Ali was wearing a casual black dress which would have been boring if anybody else wore it, but being Ali it looked spectacular on her. To compliment the dress she was wearing a pair of nude heels and a set of diamond earrings. Like me her hair was curled.

"We look hot!" Ali exclaimed.

I smiled at her as we headed downstairs to her car.

Ali's family was rich and I don't mean I own a Porsche rich, I mean I own every car you can imagine rich. We were headed to Toby's party, and being Ali she took the bright pink Lamborghini. 

You could hear the music blaring a mile away. The closer we got the more nervous I got. As if reading my mind

Ali said "It'll be fine you will be the prettiest girl there."

I snorted "Ali with you there I don't stand a chance."

"Well i'm pretty sure Toby will notice you!" Ali said. Causing me to blushed.

It was no secret that Toby liked me and he sure wasn't ashamed of it. I wasn't really sure about my feelings toward him. He was cute, sweet and he liked me, what was wrong with me, why didn't I like him back?!

When we arrived the party was in full swing. There was a girl who had passed out on the front yard and a few couples were making out. When we went inside the smell of alcohol was overwhelming. There were people grinding on each other and making out. The typical party scene.

Somebody tapped my shoulder. It was Toby, a very very drunk Toby.

"Hey Stephabie howsit goin." Toby slurred

"It's going good, I'm not so sure i can say the same about you though Toby."

We talked for a while I was getting drunker and drunker, Toby was about to pass out. 

"Hey Toby? I... I think we should go sit down." I exclaimed.

But when I started looking for a place to sit, Toby asked me to dance. I had forgotten all about my mission to find somewhere to sit. So we danced, I was having fun and then he kissed me.

I could taste the alcohol on his breath. But i was to drunk to care. So I let him kiss me, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back while he pulled me closer. He pushed me against the wall al of a sudden Toby was ripped away from me.

I saw familiar mop dark curls. It took me a while to realize who it was. Then a punch was thrown at Toby. Who was to drunk to even attempt at dodging it. Toby pretty much got falcon punched!

"You stay the hell away from my sister asshole!" A familiar voice yelled.

Ah, that would be my brother Cole.

"Come on Stephanie let's go." Cole said.

"What about Ali we cant just leave her here!" I yelled at him.

"Stephanie I said lets go."

"No! I can't leave Ali here!" I yelled back, infuriated.  

Then he slung me over his shoulder and carried me away from the party. But I put up quite a fight by yelling, thrashing and well, then I passed out. I swear if I would've done this (or tried to do this) to him he would have gone ape shit. 

The next morning I got a phone call from a very unhappy Ali. But when I explained what Cole had done she hung up. I was mad until a few minutes later I heard Cole yelling apologies which then started becoming profanities. Mental high five to Ali.

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