Now I Know My Roman Numerals

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Now I Know my Roman Numerals

(I thru XII)

By Don Swann II

Digital Edition

Copyright © Don Swann II 2012

All Rights Reserved

It’s fun and learning is easy, give me a few minutes and I’ll teach you and you will see that you can to count your numbers, in letters too.

Numerals are just the Roman word for numbers.

Are you ready?  Great let’s start.

First we’ll start with the easiest number and that is the number 1

One or 1 stands for my little baby sister, who just turned 12 months old.

In months 12 = 1 year, so my baby sister is a 1 year old.

The Roman numeral for the number 1 is the capital letter I in Roman numerals.

A capital letter I also stands the number 1 and 12 months is the same as 1 year

1 equals I, or One

The word One also stands for the number 1 which also is the Roman numeral I

So let’s review:  12 months equals 1 year

The number 1 is the letter I in Roman Numerals

I is also how you add to an existing Roman numeral, on the next page  you will see.

Repeat the review section out loud one more time…


Great Job!  So now you are ready for Roman numeral two…

The number 2 stands for how many eyes, arms, lips and legs I have…

Two is the word for 2

The Roman numeral for 2 is II that is two I’s placed next to each other.

Now let’s review:

Two, is the word for the number 2

II, is the Roman numeral for the number 2

I have 2 hands, two feet and II eyes. 

That’s right, now you see…


You are so smart and now let us go to the Roman numeral 3

Okay, now the number 3 stands for what time I get out of school.

It is 3 pm, in the afternoon

The number 3, is also the word three

3 o’clock and 3 pm is the time on the clock.

The Roman numeral for the number 3 is III.

It’s just three capital letter I’s in a row that means the number 3

Great job!  Now let’s review…

The number 3, is also the word three

The number 3 on the clock, tells us what time of day it is.

3 and three are also the Roman number III


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