One Tablespoon War

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The letter had arrived just two days before the ill-fated incident. It had left the entire National Assembly worried, but the President had refused to take notice. On more than one occasion, he had been urged to take strict action against the blackmailers, but he had refused. According to him, dealing with threats was a part of being in politics. He had told them all to pretend like everything was normal and carry on with the preparations for the upcoming elections.

Of course, what the President said was word. However, just because his commands were being followed doesn't necessarily mean he was always right. The bloodshed that happened that very day proved that. 

It was a horror story, a gruesome event to witness. There had been approximately fifty people in the room at the moment, and all but one had managed to escape without a scar.

He was shot clean in the chest. There had been a lot of blood all around, but they took little notice of it. All they knew was that their hero was dead.

Yes, their hero was dead.

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