One- "You could Always Lie..."

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"Mom please let me go!" I pleaded to my mother with my eyes.

"I'm sorry honey, but I'm just not sure if it's safe." She replied not looking up from the laundry she was doing.

We were currently in the laundry room and I was pleading with my mother to let me go with Ashley to Los Angeles for the summer. I really wanted to go but she wasn't budging.

"Moooom! We'll be safe! It's only going to be us anyways" I whined.

"Exactly my point! It's only going to be you two! That's not safe at all!" She said, finally looking up and meeting my eyes.

"Don't you trust me mom? When have I ever lied to you or done something bad? Come on! Everyone knows I'm the goody-goody and won't even lie to safe my own skin!" I pleaded rolling my eyes which were a light brown color.

"I'll think about" she sighed.


"Kiara! Please! I said I'll think about it okay? Now can you please let it go? Just go upstairs and do some homework or something" She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and eyeing me.

"Fine" I huffed, walking out of the laundry room and up the stairs.

I walked to my room with heavy footsteps. I did not like my room at all! First of all, it was painted a pale, sad looking pink. It was also princess themed from when I was obsessed with princesses and all that jazz. There was a huge crown painted on the wall right above where i'd usually lay my head. There were also many stuffed animals scattered all around my room.

I had begged my mom to let me re-decorate it but she just said she'd think about it. So, my room still the same, horrible one it has always been, which makes me worried about the trip. What if she only said that to make me feel better but in reality she's already made up her mind about not letting me go? I didn't want to go back over there and yell and get mad because then, she'd definitely say no. So instead I did the next best thing, which was to call my best friend, Ashley.

Ashley and I had been friends since preschool when she beat up a kid that was being mean to me. Everyone was afraid of her back then because she was older than the rest of us. Her parents didn't send her to school till she was six. The rest of us were only four so she had a much bigger advantage. But she was actually really nice...well unless you pissed her off. She was the the type of person who told you like it was, not hiding anything just to make you feel better. She never let anyone tell her what to do. If you messed with her, she'd mess with you right back. I, on the other hand was the quiet, goody-goody girl. I never said what was on my mind and didn't stand up for myself.

"Ashley speaking!" Her familiar voice exploded out of my phone and into my room. I had put her on speaker so I could paint my nails and talk to her at the same time.

"So what did your mom say?" She asked.

"Oh she said I could go if I wanted and she'd give me extra money to go shopping" I said sarcastically.

My mom had said she'd think about it obviously and in reality we didn't have that much money. We were struggling with money and my parents couldn't afford to give me shopping money. My dad worked two jobs and my mom worked over- time. So I hardly ever saw any of them.

"Really?" She asked.

"No! Obviously not" I answered.

"What should I say to convince her?" I asked in a helpless tone. I really wanted to go.


"What do you mean 'hmm'?" I asked.

"You know..." She trailed off.

That Summer - Zayn Malik Fan-Fiction.Where stories live. Discover now