Chapter 5

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HEY CUPCAKES (: so it's been 24 hours since my last upload, sorry for the long wait, but i think you'll like this chapter! it's a bit longer then the others, so let me know what you think. if you like it VOTE! comment what you like about it, any suggestions, advice, opinions, anything! i love to read what you guys think <3 fans are REALLY appreciated xx. Chapter 6 will be up in about 22 hours, hopefully, but not until this one gets to 15 votes and 8 comments! So if you want more, vote and comment!

On that note, heres chapter 5 (:

Chapter 5:  

            I woke up to loud ringing coming from my alarm clock. It was 4:30AM. Two and a half hours of sleep… Great, I thought, wondering if Harry was as tired as I was. Groaning, I smacked it until the noise stopped. My eyes finally peeled open, after the realization that I needed to get ready for Disneyland. A yawn erupted form my mouth as I slowly sat up in bed. I picked up my phone and checked for text messages. There was a new text message from Liam, half an hour ago.

            "Hi, love, sorry for the early text message, hope I didn't wake you up. I just received a call from Paul, letting us know that we were going to leave a half hour sooner, because he wanted to stop for lunch on the way there. I sent Sara a text, too. :]"

                        "Shit!" I whispered, not wanting to wake my dad. After sending Liam a quick response, I jumped out of bed and ran for the shower. I had only an hour to shower, dry my hair, put on make-up, and pick out my outfit.

            Twenty minutes later, I was rushing out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my soaking hair. My phone was blinking with six new text messages from Sara, probably freaking out about Liam's text as well. I ignored them, because I knew that we would both get ready faster if we weren't waiting on texts from each other.

            With only ten minutes left before 5:30, I was almost ready. My hair was in a long, loose braid on the side, with my bangs pinned back in a bump. I wore a striped, light green crop top, to accent my eyes, with dark denim daisy dukes. I slipped on my classic white Vans, with one blue shoelace, and one pink one (PHOTO IN THE SIDEBAR). In my bag, I packed lip gloss, a tube of mascara, a compact mirror, and a water bottle, along with a bag of chips, my wallet, camera, some ear buds, and my Ray Bans. I was finally ready.

            Just as I was about to leave my room, I jumped, startled, as I heard a door slam downstairs. "ALICE! I'm here!" called the familiar voice of Sara. I was surprised it didn't wake my dad up. I heard her throw her bag down and open my fridge. By the time I walked downstairs, I found her at my kitchen table eating Cheerios. "Here," she said, in between bites, pushing a bowl of Cheerios towards me, "I got you a bowl of cereal, too."

            "Thanks! You look cute," I said, inspecting her outfit. She was wearing short white shorts with a light blue tank top, and her naturally straight blonde hair was accented by a white bow, clipping her bangs back. I sat down and started eating my cereal.

            "Yeah, whatever, just shut up and eat so we aren’t late," she smirked. "And you look stunning as well!" We both laughed and continued eating.

            As I put our bowls in the dishwasher, Sara went on and on about how Niall texted her the night before. "Yeah, Harry and I texted for a bit, too," I said, not mentioning that we stayed up until 2AM.

            Before Sara could continue telling me about her chat with Nialler, my phone started buzzing with a call from Louis. I put it on speaker phone. "Good morning, Louis!" Sara and I both chirped, simultaneously.

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