One Shot: One of the Boys

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Alexis' POV:

I pulled up to Sam's house knowing she probably hadn't done anything to get ready for the dance yet. When my car came to a stop I killed the engine and stepped out. I went around to the back and took out my over sized bag of makeup from the trunk. Ok, so I probably had more makeup then I really needed, but it's times like now that it comes in handy.

I knocked on the door and Sam's mother answered, "Hi Ms. Evans!" I said to her, "Is Sam here?"

"Yes!" she replied excitedly, "She's down stairs with the boys."

She lead the way to the basement which was also Sam's room, opening the door she shouted down the stairs, "Sam! You have a visitor!"

A few seconds passed before I saw Sam's head peek around the corner. She waved at me to come down the stairs and into her room. I did as told and followed her instructions, once I reached the bottom the only thing there really was to see was a bunch of sweaty football players huddled around the TV playing video games.

"What's up?" Sam asked grabbing a soda from her mini fridge and offering it to me.

I shook my head at the soda, "I'm here to help you get ready for the dance!"

She hesitated for a moment, her face going a bit pink, "Ok, everyone needs to get out!" she yelled at the boys.

They all looked confused "What?" Jake asked.

"You heard me, out!"

They reluctenly got up and went upstairs still looking confused as they closed the door behind them.

"So, why do I need to get all dolled up for this dance? Can't I just wear my hair down? And why do I need makeup?" Sam asked pointing to my makeup bag.

"No you can't wear your hair down, you have a nice dress that needs nice hair to go with it."

"Are you saying my hair isn't nice?"

"Oh! Not at all! It's just always in your face when your not doing football. I wanted to put in up and make it look a little bit more elegant."

"I don't need my hair up!" She whined.

"Yes you do."



"'Because is not an answer." 

"It is im my book. Now sit down!" I said referring to her dest chair.

When she didn't sit down I dicided to take matters into my own hands, I pushed her down into the chair. She fell back with a huff, but didn't argue any further. I then proceeded to take out all the makeup and hair accsesories that was needed. I grabbed the bottle of liquid foundation that was on top and splashed some onto my finger, then I made an attempt to rub it into her face but right as I was about to touch her cheek she jumped away from me, "What is that?" she asked with a discusted tone to her voice.

"Foundation." I answered while rolling my eyes.

She hesitated, staring at the blob on my finger before going back to her original position and letting me smear her face with it.

Ok, so I did come over here to help her get ready for the dance, but there was another reason too. I wanted to get something out of her and I couldn't keep it in any longer. It just blurted right out of me right then, "Why did you quit the chear squad?" I asked.

When Sam dicided to quit the cheer squad i'm not gonna lie, I was much more then just surprised. I thought she loved to cheer! I guess I was wrong. I handled it a lot worse then Carly that's for sure. You see, Carly never liked Sam to begin with, she was always trying to find ways to tick her off. Sam claims she quite because she wanted to try new sports. I really always looked at Sam as girly, that is until she joined the football team. I on the other hand was Sam's friend, that is why i didn't handle it good. After she quite we just drifted apart. It hurts to lose a friend.

She hesitated before answering, "Well.." she started, "It was in middle school, and like i've said before, I wanted to try new sports."

The way she said it made it sound like there was more to the story, so I pushed further becuase I am not one to give up that easily, "Why?" I asked.

"Um.. Ok, so I didn't really want to deal with Carly anymore.. She was okay at first, but then she started to go all Meany Bo-Beany on me. I didn't want to have to deal with her anymore, to me she was just annoying, and I had enough on my plate at the time."

"Wow.. Um, okay."

"That and I also really did want to try new sports, cheerleading just wasn't my thing. I only did it because my mom thought it was cool."

"Ah.. But why football?" I said taking some eyeshadow out of my bag.

"What's that?" She asked.

"Eyeshadow, it goes on your eyelids." I answered with a roll of my eyes.

"Ew! Do I need it?" She whined.


"Yuck.. Anyway, to answer your question, I picked football just because I have always been around it. Brennon always had on some game and I can always remember thinking 'I wanna be like him'. When I tried out for the team and made it nobody was more surprised then myself."

"Okay." I replied.

There really wasn't much to say after that.

I put only a little bit of eyeshadow on Sam, after I was done smudging it on her eyelids I took out some eyeliner and mascara from my bag.

"What's that?" Sam asked once agian shoving her head out of my reach until I would give her an answer. To be honest I was getting kind of frustrated with her, but she's the kind of person you have to be patient with, especially when it comes to makeup.

I let out a long sigh, "Mascara and eyeliner." I answered.

She narrowned her eyes at me a bit before returning to her spot.

Putting the mascara on.. Well.. You could say it took all day but that would be a little bit over the top with a choice of words because in real time it only took ten minutes.

For each eye.

Eyeliner on the other hand is a whole different story. When I attemped to put it anywhere near her eye she would complain that i would almost poke her eye out. In the end we spent twenty minutes trying to get the eyeliner on so i dicided she could go without. Her date would probably be surprised that she's wearing any makeup if you ask me.

For Sam's hair I dicided to put it back in a lose, kind of messy looking side bun. With her bangs I put then back into a small poof ontop of her head.

When I was finally finished I looked at my finished work. Over all it looked pretty good if I do say so myself. It totally suited her.

"Ah! Okay! Now go put on your dress!" I said, "But don't mess up your hair!"

She went into her closet and a few moments passed before she came out with the dress on. It looked great with the side messy bun!

"Wow!" She whispered in surprised pointing at the mirror, "Who is that?"

I let out a chuckle, "You like it?"

She came right up to me and threw her arms around me, "Thank you!" she said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2012 ⏰

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