Hunger game spoof ..... :)( watty Awards 2012 )

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Ok tell me what you think

Prim was crying

Katniss: " prim what's up ?"

Prim:" I had a bad dream katniss"

Katniss : " what about ?"

Prim :" I was reaped in the hunger games "

Katniss: " PRIM"

Prim: " what ?"

Katniss :" err you just told use the movie !"

Prim: " but-"

Katniss: ( sorry about spellings ) " I mean spoiler alert !" katniss got up and walked out saying as she went " I'm going hunting were I'll try kill little animals

Hunger game spoof......:)(watty Awards 2012 )Where stories live. Discover now