Chapter 7 - "I volunteer as tribute!"

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"He touched me in inappropriate places!" Gus yelled slamming his fist on the metal table causing it to shake. I put my head in my hands and slouched further into my chair, not helping Gus.

"Officer Jackson is one of the best on the force, you have a file that needs its own filing cabinet. I think we know who to believe." The head of the police department said before I heard his chair scrape along the dirty floor as he stood up, leaving Gus and I in the small little room they used to interrogate people.

"His name is Officer Donut you cheerio!" Gus fumed as the door slammed shut knocking over his lopsided chair. I raised my head from my handcuffed hands and saw Gus sitting on the floor next to the now upside down chair. We had been thrown in this room as soon as we arrived and I instantly knew this was Gus' regular room. The four walls were stingy and you could tell that the sick yellow color they are now used to be a hospital white, the left wall had carvings that looked like someone was keeping track of how many times they had been here. The lights were dim and the only things in this room other than Gus and I were the two chairs and the old rusted table. Lovely place. Gus stood up from his spot and walked over to the numbers on the wall (A.N I'm starting a new story called Numbers On The Wall, it should be posted in about three months. Maybe.) and carved in the fifth tally mark. 

"Hey Ella, wanna start your own tally marks in the corner?" He asked me twirling his pocket knife in his hand.

"How the hell do you still have that with you, didn't they search you?" I asked as my eyes followed the knife, ready to duck when it started going south.

"No, they don't do that to people anymore. Godzilla just wanted to feel you up like he does all the hot new pieces that come in, boy or girl doesn't matter as long as they swing his way. He knows i'm gay and well, no offence sweetie, but you cant pull off the lesbian look." Gus said still twirling the knife making a face when he remembered the big officer we came across outside the building. Now that I think about it he was a little too touchy, great now I feel violated. 

"What do you mean 'the lesbian look' lesbians are normal people just like you and me, they look no different. And I could so get a girl if I wanted too!" I said standing up, and taking away the knife before he had a chance to drop it and hurt himself.

"No it's not that they're different they just look ............ tougher, I guess you could say. So the corner?" He said taking back the knife and crouching down by the left corner closest to the door.

I glared at him, "I'm not even eighteen! I don't plan on coming back here anytime soon so I doubt i'll need that tally mark." 

"Yeah, sure." He scoffed before digging in a nice big tally and scrathcing in the name Cinderella in cursive right beside it. "There perfect!" 

"My names not Cinderella." I told him plainly, crossing my arms and sitting back down on my chair wincing when I heard the big screech it made in protest. Maybe I should lay off the fudge. 

"But you basically are Cinderella." Gus told me as he picked up his chair and sat in. The fact that it didn't protest like mine did not go unnoticed. 

"I'm the farthest thing away from Cinderella you nincompoop. I can't even get that stupid cat to listen to me, Cinderella get's mice to make a dress for her." I told him as I tipped my chair back and forth on its wobbly legs.

"Evil stepmother, check. Evil stepsisters, check. Father who's never home, check. Ella Cinder you truly are living like Cinderella." Gus told me "Oh and Cinderella's evil siblings had a cat that hated her." 

"That doesn't mean I am Cinderella, we're just very similar." I told him right before my chair toppled over causing me to land on my butt in a very uncomfortable position.

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