Discovering The Fire (A City of Heavenly Fire Fan Fiction)

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 Hey again! I've got plenty of ideas for post-COHF fics, so...sorry/not sorry to those that arent in the fandom, and for those that are - thanks for reading and enjoying! I love it when I hear such positve comments about them! And yet again, this is ~kind of~ spoilery, but not really. I mean obviously it tells you that the people in the fic didnt die, or whatever, and it does have one spoilery fact towards the end, but other than that, its non spoilery-ish (is that a word? Oh well, I just made it up!). Again, I hope you guys enjoy this, because I did, and its probably my favourite one so far of the three that I've written this past week! Let me know which one your favourite is! So...Comment...Vote....Favourite...Enjoy! - xx Ali (AliAngel21 or Thewickedinstruments - Tumblr)

                                        A City of Heavenly Fire Fan Fiction:

                                                  Discovering The Fire

“Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.” - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

They were running through the halls of the Institute, their tiny, children’s feet pounding against the carpeted floors, their tiny hands touching everything wherever they went. Clary could hear their squealing laughs as their father caught them up in his arms, taking them both up in the air and then running, too. She shook her head from where she was, a blank canvas before her, asking her to paint something. As many ideas as she had running through her mind, she just couldn’t bring herself to create one of them.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t hear it when Jace came into the room, and she was startled when she felt his arms wrapping around her from behind.

“What are you painting?” he asked her with a sweet kiss right under her ear. She giggled. It was funny how he could still manage to get such a reaction from her. They had been married six years now, had two children, and had moved to Idris to bring their children up among all their friends and family. They were staying in the Herondale Manor house, and Clary hadn’t thought they would be so happy, but they were.

“Nothing yet.” She replied, sighing. She glared at the blank canvas, as if just by staring at it, she could will a permanent idea to set itself in her mind and then onto the canvas.

Jace didn’t respond, just kissed up and down her neck as she stared, making a smile come to her lips replacing the frown that had been there before he showed up. She turned in her seat and reached up to wind her arms around his neck, dragging him down to her face. They kissed and then she whispered that she loved him. Oh, how she loved him.

“Momma and Dadda are kissing!” a small voice came from the door. They both turned to see their eldest, their daughter, Adara standing in the doorway, her little hands pressed against the doorframe on either side, a bright little smile dwindling on her pink lips. A loud, squealing laugh sounded from her as Jace ran to grab her up into the air, carrying her through the doorway as she had started to run away down the hall, just as he had done with Clary many times after they’d been married. She remembered the night of their wedding, well their mundane wedding (because Clary had still wanted to have a mundane wedding even after accepting she was anything but a mundane), when he had carried her like that.

Her thoughts brought her back to that day…

She was standing with her Mother and Luke, behind a veil of flowers, blocking her from the rest of the wedding party. She was nervous.

“You’ll be fine, I won’t let you fall, Clary.” Luke said, trying to reassure her. But she wasn’t afraid of that. She had imagined this day so many times in her mind, in dreams, in paintings…She was afraid that it would not live up to her memories of it. She was already married, in the eyes of the Clave at least, but this seemed to be the culmination of her love for Jace. She was marrying him in her way, just as her parents had been married, apart from the Clave and Council. Jocelyn and Luke were happy. She could see that when they looked back at her, hand and in hand, their worried expressions directed toward her.

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