Chapter 6

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"Please!" Someone screamed at the top of their lungs. I begin to open my eyes. I am still by the office door. As my vision becomes clear, I see that a guy is leaning over at me, starring. Do guys in this town always stare?

I observe my surroundings. Men were scattered everywhere with arrows in their bodies. Blood was splattered on the once cream walls. On the far side of the gym a man is being strangled.

"Tell me right now who hired you. Now!" A man hisses.

"I-I don't...know" the poor man barely speaks

"This can go several ways. I can let my partner shoot you with as many arrows as he pleases, I can torture you and then slowly kill you, or choice number three, a fan favorite is to tell me the damn truth" he spat.

I try to speak, "What the hell." I feel my head which is in intense pain.

"She is up" the guy leaning over me yells to his partner

The angry man strangling the other looks at me surprised.

"It's a...her?" his partner asks.

"I guess so. Hurry up and kill him. I want to get on with it." The guy by me is now trying to get me to my feet hisses.

I look over to his partner, before I could protest the partner plunges a knife into the guys heart.

I throw my shaking hands over my mouth, so I didn't scream out in shock.

The angry guy comes over to me. He looks me in the eyes trying to figure me out. I gulp.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask. They both ignore me.

The guy with his hand on my shoulder, now keeping me standing up says,"Vince your on duty until we get back to camp"

Vince groans. "Move" he says to me, as he tries to guild me to the door.

I don't move, saying,"I am not going anywhere with a murderer. Why the hell did you kill him? What is going on?" I am ignored again and now angry. He tries to guild me again, but I just stare at him. He has piercing dark blue eyes and brown messy hair. He's the tallest guy I have ever seen. His partner is only an inch shorter.

Both of them stand in front of me looking at me. His partner has blonde hair and brown eyes. He is lean but still has quiet a bit of muscle. Vince is bigger and way scarier.

"Let's go" Vince says, I can sense his annoyance.

His partner, the one that helped me up,staring at me. "What's your name?", he asks.

I gulp and look away. If I ran fast I could go home and call the police. I turn my heels but only get two steps in before Vince grabs me by wrapping his arms around my waist. He spins me around.

"Look", Vince started," I know you are scarred and probably creeped out, but get over it. Worry about now. Those guys," he points to the dead bodies," tried to kill you. You need to keep up and know we are trying to get you to safety. Don't make this hard"

I remained silent. Anger is boiling inside my veins. I don't think this is how kidnapping goes but I am not just going to agree. I have to be here for my dad. I look him in the eyes. I spit in his face, then kick his shin and run. I reach the door, forcing them to open

"What the hell!" Vince spat.

I take a step outside. My surrounding is completely different. I stop in my tracks and look around. It's a forest. Trees are all around me. Hills are far ahead. I'm hear a stream coming from the right. I turn around to look at the once gym. It's now a cabin. I trip backward falling on my butt.

"This can not be happening" I whisper

"It's okay" His partner says leaning against the now cabin. "The alpha can explain everything that has happened, just trust us. That means no more spitting or kicking, that's for children. You need to act your age or older or else people will take advantage of you. Don't believe anything anyone says to you."

"Why should I trust you?" I spit finally looking up at him.

"Have I gave you any reason not to?"

"Yes, actually you have" I say standing up. "Your partner, or whatever he is to you, just killed a man and the others were already dead when I woke up. Just let me go home, I promise not to say what you guys did" I beg.

Vince's partner just laughs.

"What the hell is so funny! Please enlighten me, becuase to me none of this is fucking funny" I scream angerly.

He steps closer to me. "Like Vince said before, they were trying to kill you. They gave you a poision, thats why you passed out. We came in and saved you. Now, you need to come to us so the alpha can explain."

"Who is the "alpha"?" I ask confused.

"The person that sent us to save you" Vince added. He is leaning on the side of the cabin. I am still confused about how the gym turned into a cabin.

"I'll go with you, but i need you to answer me some questions."

Fine, some, on the way" Vince answers.

"Okay then, lets go" I say heading left

Vince chuckles," we are going the other way smartass"

"Fine I'll go your way" I say, heading in the right direction.

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